
Activity Center : Final Project

By SH3104
  • We gained sponcers

    We gained sponcers
    We hoted a craft fair at the local park. By the end of the craft fair we were able to raise money and get some sponcers. The building was already built we just needed funding and now we have acheved it.
  • Opening Day

    Opening Day
    We open in June and alow the public in. This would be a big event and it would be awesome. We would have ice cream stands and a pool party to begi with and then just let the kids have fun.
  • Children Come

    Children Come
    Kids come and look around at the new area. They determine weather or not they are willing to play there. The kids all said that they would and theat what they ended up doing in the furure.
  • After School

    After School
    The surrounding school districts have decided that this is the perfect place for all kids. They said that it would make and excellent after school care place. This had been teacher and staff aprooved.
  • Best Place In town

    Best Place In town
    The town voted and made us the best place in town. They said that we were the best place for children and adults to be family. they best year round place for all ages.
  • State Best

    State Best
    State voted that we were the best place for kids to have fun. This was out of all the amusnet places in the state. The kids are now flowing threw and ready to play everyda but sunday.
  • Humanitarian Award

    Humanitarian Award
    Wer are hopeful to win a humanitarian award as a collective group of helpful people. This would make it so that more kids would want to come to the assighnment. We would have another party that everyone in invited to.