Activity 7: Summative Task ( Danika Surkari )

By danikas
  • The Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the oldest child of archduke Charles Louis, who was also emperor Franz Joseph's sibling. This means he was the heir to the Austrian Throne. He was assasinated by serbian terrorists. His death resulted in sparked conflict which then enflamed and became World War 1. This event negativly affected not only Canada, but the rest of the world in numerous ways. -2
  • The Beginning of World War I

    The Beginning of World War I
    At any point in time when Britian was Involved in Conflict, Canada and other colonies were always included as well. This event has advantages and disadvantages. The population suffered  many Canadian men joined the military. But in doing so, they are showing their allegiance to Britain, which advanced toward Canada. 0
  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    The Conflict Measures Act enables the government to meet its obligations during a war without consulting parliament. -1
    By compelling certain Canadians to fight, Canada breaches their human rights. Some convicts were physically and emotionally traumatized by this, and Canada's past was also affected.
  • Women's Working Industry

    Women's Working Industry
    When Male soliders left for war, there were many food shortages and other shortages due to the lack of male workers. Unemployed women found work and those who worked as office clerks or domestic servants moved into better-paying factory jobs. These women picked fruit, made army boots and other gear. This repersents a period of progression for Canada because it allows women to play a bigger role in the developing economy and it shows society and men that women are able to do more. (+2)
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    From April 9 to April 12, 1917, the First World War saw the Battle of Vimy Ridge. It is the most acclaimed military triumph in Canada. For the first time, the Canadian Corps engaged in coordinated combat. It helped Canadians feel more united and distinct from the British people. Therefore, it supported Canadian nationalism.
  • The Battle of Passchendaele

    The Battle of Passchendaele
     World War I's of Passchendaele, took place between July 31, 1917, and November 10, 1917. The fight was fought on the Western Front in Belgium's Ypres salient, where the German and Allied troops had been trapped for three years. When the British, New Zeland and Australian Troops failed to assult. Canada Captured the ridge on November 6th. This was a time of prorgression and how the Canadian Troops gained the distinction of being the greatest assaulting Allied troops on the Western Front (+ 1)
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    The Government at the time made military service mandatory for men, even though some parties dissagreed with this decsion. Both British immigrants and English-speaking Canadians backed it. The election was won by the pro-conscription group. The communities that lost had to endure negative political effects on the nation as a whole. This means that the country as a whole would have to suffer due to the unfair conditions and this repersents a decline in Candada's Government. -2
  • The Hundred Days Campaign

    The Hundred Days Campaign
    At the conclusion of World War I, the Allies launched a series of assaults known as the Hundred Days Offensive. This resulted in the defeat of the German Army. This helped Canada advance. Canada had a significant impact on the conflict. This showed how resilient the Canadian soldiers were in the face of heavy losses and a difficult voyage. Canada became a sovereign nation as a result. +2
  • The Chinese Immigration Act

    The Chinese Immigration Act
    Almost all Chinese immigrants were prohibited from entering for 24 years under the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923. Students, businessmen, diplomats, and Chinese citizens of Canadian descent who have attended school in China were the only four groups exempt from the ban. This repersents a period of decline for Canada as a Nation. This act shows how our country was turning away people from China, strictly because of thier race. This set a disrciminatory and wrong repuation for our country. ( -1 )
  • Edward V Canada. ( The Persons Case )

    Edward V Canada. ( The Persons Case )
    Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy, and Irene Parlby were the 5 women that fought for Womens rights in Canada. They all fought for women's voting rights, and their work helped alter the public's image of women's obligations and rights. Despite facing prejudice all around Canada, these women were able to secure their legal rights, creating an equal country for all women in Canada and thier courageous acts are still remebered today. ( Progression ) +2