Activity 1.3.1: Learning theory timeline

  • Humanism Learning Theory by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and James F.T Bugental

    Humanism Learning Theory by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and James F.T Bugental
    According to this theory, learning is a natural desire. Human beings strive to reach their full potential being a state in which their needs (physical, emotional and intellectual) are fulfilled. This theory connects the requisite of the fulfilment of these needs of individuals, to their desire and ability to learn. [Video: Humanism: A learning Theory] learning theory takes the stance that learning is student centred rather than teacher centred
  • Behaviorism Learning Theory by John Watson and B. F. Skinner

    Behaviorism Learning Theory by John Watson and B. F. Skinner
    Emphasis is placed on the external factors that influence individual behaviour and the learner’s response to these external inducements. Repetition and reinforcements are required for the mastery of this learning theory. The theorists state that by sensibly controlling the environment,teachers, parents, and others can develop desired behaviours. [Video: Behaviorism in Education (Behaviorism in Education Defined, Behaviorism in Education Explained)]
  • Socialism Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

    Socialism Learning Theory by Albert Bandura
    Socialism learning is learning by mimicking others. Positive and negative behaviour exhibited by others is considered. Behaviour that seems to be rewarded will likely then been imitated and behaviour that appears to be punished is unlikely to be imitated. The theory contains these 4 essential steps: attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. [Video: Social Learning Theory | Definition Examples]
  • Constructivism Learning Theory by Jean Paiget and John Dewey

    Constructivism Learning Theory by Jean Paiget and John Dewey
    The Constructivism learning theory exhibits the creation of new concepts by using pre-existing knowledge and experiences to construct a new reality and further re- applying this reality in new situations thus resulting in a deeper understanding when learning. The student -teacher interaction approach utillised as each learning journey is that of a mentor- mentee.[Constructivist Theory]
  • Connectivism by Learning Theory by George Siemens and Stephen Downs

    Connectivism by Learning Theory by George Siemens and Stephen Downs
    Learning through the lens of connection with other learners using multiple mediums. Learning occurs in various ways such as open discussions, online platforms that encourage knowledge sharing; the main connection being the interaction by various learners i.e. knowledge sharing with people on notes, through books and other available mediums as network junctures[CONNECTIVISM LEARNING THEORY: YOUR GUIDE TO LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE]