Start of the research
today we want to begin our research to understand how deafness works and the different types of tone deaf. We also -
Catching up with our process journal
Since we are a little bit behind on the process journal we will use this week to bring it up to date -
Filming the rough draft on ms Castaldo
On Friday we had already tried our first "trial"£ on ms. Castaldo but we didn't film, we will try to film her reaction again today. -
Gabriele's Dad's contacts
By Wednesday/Friday we want to have come in contact with at least 1 constact so that we can have more information by Friday -
Continuing the research
By now/in this lesson, we want to have understood how the ear works extensively and how people can become tone deaf and the different types of deaf -
More tone variations
In class i want to make more dedicated frequency alterators, hopefully focused on Gabriele's conatcts -
Timeline CAS