Action plan

  • Preparation

    • Establish clear and supportive immigration policies.
    • Allocate resources and funding for integration programs.
    • Create a legal framework that protects refugees' rights and encourages their participation in society.
    • Estimate number of refugees to integrate to avoid overpopulation.
  • Accomodation

    • Provide temporary housing and assistance in finding permanent accommodation.
    • Educate refugees on their housing rights and responsibilities.
    • Encourage mixed housing models to promote social interaction.
  • Employment and Economic Integration

    Employment and Economic Integration
    • Assist with job searches, resume building, and interview skills.
    • Encourage employers to be open to hiring refugees.
    • Provide financial literacy and entrepreneurship training.
    • Refugees often bring diverse skills and talents, which can fill labor gaps in specific industries. A more diverse workforce can enhance innovation and creativity in the city.
  • What can the school do

    What can the school do
    • Offer language classes to help refugees become proficient in the host country's language.
    • Organize cultural exchange events to foster understanding and friendship.
    • Arrange fundraisining events to support refugees.
  • What can the community do

    What can the community do
    • Set up reception centers to provide immediate support.
    • Conduct health screenings and provide access to healthcare.
    • Encourage participation in local community activities and clubs.
    • Provide mental health services and counseling to address trauma and adjustment issues.
    • Establish metrics to assess the effectiveness of integration programs.
    • Collect feedback from refugees and the host community to make improvements.
    • Adapt the action plan based on changing needs and circumstances.
  • Long-term suppport

    Long-term suppport
    • Continue support beyond the initial integration phase.
    • Promote pathways to citizenship for eligible refugees.
    • Ensure ongoing access to social services and support.
  • Reap the reward

    Reap the reward
    • Refugees can contribute to the local economy by becoming consumers, workers, and entrepreneurs, which boost local businesses and increase tax revenues.
    • Integration programs can lead to stronger and more inclusive social service systems that benefit both refugees and the host community.
    • Cities that are known for their welcoming and inclusive policies can attract businesses, tourists, and international events. A positive international image can help attract investment and talent.