Hawaii2 1

Acquiring Hawaii

  • Early Days

    Early Days
    Diseases plagued Hawaii and caused death of many.
  • The Queen

    The Queen
    U.S. soldiers and and marines imprisoned the queen and took 1.75 million acres of land.
  • Coup

    U.S. Marines staged a coup and deemed themselves the "provisional government" of Hawaii.
  • Overthrow

    Local businessmen, with the help of U.S., forced their surrender. The entire government was illegally overthrown. Sanford B. Dole was selected president of the new government.
  • Annexation begins

    Annexation begins
    American businessmen push for annexation of Hawaii. Harrison sent a proposal to congress, however, the next president, Cleveland, withdrew from it and replaced the Queen in Hawaii. Cleveland wanted to restore the monarchy but congress opposed.
  • Dole

    Sanford Dole delcares himself president of Republic of Hawaii. Queen was found guilty and put under house arrest.
  • Annexation Attempt #2

    Annexation Attempt #2
    Republican party called for annexation. Senate was worried they would not receive 2/3 vote so called for a joint resolution with Congress.
  • Annex Success!

    Annex Success!
    Hawaii officially becomes U.S. territory.