Acient Greece Timeline

  • 500

    c750-500 BC ARCHAIC PERIOD

    c750-500 BC ARCHAIC PERIOD
    Greeks search for new land for agriculture. City-states are formed throughout the Mediterranean that function as political units or polis, each ruled by a king and a council. Forces & pressures
    They needed more agriculture Transformation:
    They got politics
  • Period: 500 to


    Acient Greece
  • Feb 17, 1050

    c1050-750 BC EARLY PERIOD

    c1050-750 BC EARLY PERIOD
    c1050-750 BC EARLY PERIOD
    First Greek migration to west coast of Asia minor. Few written records of this time period remain. Also, this era is known as the Dark Ages of Greece. Forces & Pressures
    They wanted to fight Transformation;
    Lots of people died.
  • Feb 17, 1200

    c1200 BC

    c1200 BC
    c1200 BCc1200 BC
    Destruction of Cretan palaces and of Priam's city at Troy (Ilium) Forces & Pressures
    They were mad at eachother so they got in a fight. Transformation:
    They battled and got stronger
  • Feb 17, 1400

    c1400 BC

    c1400 BC
    c1400 BC
    Volcanic eruption on Therac1400 BC destroys Mycenae. Forces & Pressures
    Lava came up out of the mountain Transformation
    They had to build things cause all of it was destoryed
  • c2500 BC

    c2500 BC
    c2500 BC
    Minoan civilization develops. Forces & Pressures
    People were born so the had to make a civilization Transformation:
    A new civilization developes.
  • c2900-2000 BC Bronze Age

    c2900-2000 BC Bronze Age
    c2900-2000 BC Bronze Age
    Early Aegean cultures Forces & Pressures
    They needed a new culture Transformation:
    New agriculture
  • c6500-2900 BC NEOLITHIC PERIOD

    c6500-2900 BC NEOLITHIC PERIOD
    c6500-2900 BC NEOLITHIC PERIOD
    Domestication of plants and animals allows for permanent settle ments. Forces & Pressures
    Domestic Plants Transformation:
    New domestic plants