Feb 24, 1500
Charles I Birth and Reign
Charles I was born into the Italian and Spanish on June 28, 1519 and was raised a very intelligent child. He spoke multiple languages including French, which allowed him to build a strong relationships with France. During his reign, Peter ruled over both Spain and Italy for a while, and continued to expand both Empires. Although Peter was usually at war, he still admired peace and was not greedy for territory or power. -
Feb 21, 1521
Charles I Diet of Worms
In 1521, Charles I denounced the Protestant claims of Martin Luther. He then called Luther to the Diet of Worms promising to be peaceful of Luther appeared. At the Diet, he continued to denounce Luther's claims and thus helped to strengthen the Catholic Church. -
Sep 25, 1530
Ivan IV Birth and Reign
Ivan was born on August 25, 1530, and grew up having a bad childhood. His father died when Ivan was 3, and his mother died 5 years later and he became the Prince of Moscow. At age 16, he was crowned Czar of all of Russia, and created a powerful army. He was a very cunning and well educated ruler, but was also very ruthless. He was able to conquer many new lands including Siberia and was very unkind to the people he conquered. Ivan became known as the terrible when he killed his own son. -
Period: Feb 21, 1550 to Feb 21, 1565
Ivan IV Conquest of Siberia
During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Russian Army, led by Ivan the Terrible were able to conquer Siberia. After it was conquered, Ivan placed the local peasants under the rule of masters that were assigned by Ivan. He was ruthless in his rule over Siberia which continued his rule as the Terrible. -
Sep 21, 1558
Charles I Death
After 34 years of ruling many nations, he became exhausted and traveled to a monastary for a peaceful death. Charles was an absolute ruler by ruling over multiple nations at the same time creating many strong alliances. He also demonstrated this by commanding Martin to renounce his claims or be excommunicated, which he did do in the end. -
Ivan IV Death
Ivan died on March 18, 1584 and had a stroke while playing chess. Despite his ruthless and demented rule, he kept a strong hold over Russia and many of the surrounding countries. He was and absolute ruler because he gave the people he conquered almost no freedom and held a very strict and tight rule over Russia. -
King Louis XIV Birth and Reign
King Louis XIV was born on Septembber 5, 1638. He was corronated King of France when he was 16 years old, but he inherited the crown with his step-father's death at age 4. He came into power when France was very unstable. He surprised the country by declaring that he would rule without a chief minister and continued by creating multiple laws that gave much more power to the king and the monarchy which displeased the nobles, as well as getting involved in many wars which took his populairity. -
Peter I Birth and Reign
Peter I was born on June 9, 1672. He gained control of Russia in 1696. He was a good ruler who made extensive reforms in an attempt to make Russia a great country. He was able to create a strong Navy and stregthen the army. He also greatly supported education and hired many scientists to educate his people in science and technology which is how he earned the title of Great. -
King Louis XIV Enacts the Edict of Fontainebleau
In 1685, King Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes, which had allowed for worship of Protestant Religions in France, but by revoking it and creating the Edict of Fontainebleau, Protestantism was now illegal. With this Edict, Louis ordered the destruction of Protestant Churches and gave the Protestants the option of converting or leaeving France. -
Frederick William Birth and Reign
Frederick William was born on August 14, 1688 in Prussia. He was a very peaceful ruler who never started a war, and was very strict and controlled the country's entire treasury, which made Prussia very rich. He estabalished schools and helped to stimulate the economy by encouraging farming. -
Peter I Grand Tour of Europe
Peter and a delegation traveled from Russia to Western Europe in order to help modernize Russia and open trade routes with other countries to help form alliances. This helped to pull Russia out of the Archaic Age which was a dark time following the death of Ivan IV. -
King Louis XIV Death
On September 1, 1715, at age 76 and 361 days old, King Louis died of Gangrene. King Louis XIV was a Absolute Monarch beccause of his new laws that gave the Monarchy more power and abolishing a freedom of religion in France. -
Peter I Death
On February 8, 1725, Peter the Great fell ill and went into a comma due to a bladder infection. Peter was an extremely influential ruller who worked to modernize and make Russia great. Peter was an Absolute Monarch beccause he controlled religion and most of the government's affairs, but unlike many other monarchs, this was very beneficial to the country. -
Frederick William The Manual of Regulations for State Officials
Frederick William created a large document known as the Manual of Regulations for State officials which was very important because it outlined the jobs and duties for all public servants in Prussia. This showed his strict rule and how he beleived that by having everyone knowing their duties, then the country would be more economically sound. -
Frederick William Death
Frederick William died on May 31, 1740. His reign helped to grow the ecomony and by controlling the money spent in the country, he became an absolute monarch and brought Prussia into a rich time period.