
Absolute Monarch Leaders

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan IV Born

    Ivan IV Born
    Ivan the terrible was the first tsar of Russia and ruled through fear to acquire a lot of land and create a centrally controlled government. Many people believed he was mentally insane because he was obsessed with death and would kill anyone who got in his way. His outrages lead to him killing his own son as well.
  • Jan 10, 1565

    Ivan the Terrible arranges the Oprichniki

    Ivan the Terrible gathered the oprichniki to be tested to see who were loyal to the Ivan. The Oprichniki were a group of soldiers that were considered the 'police'. The group was originally a secretive police force but was known later on. The Oprichniki helped Ivan the Terrible rule as an absolute monarch because they inforced all of the rules that Ivan set and would do anything Ivan said.
  • Ivan IV Death

    Ivan the Terrible was an absolute monarch because he was able to do whatever he felt and have no trouble doing it. He was feared by everyone so no one tried to get in his way of doing anything. Even something as mad as killing hundreds of people, including his own son.
  • Charles I Born

    Charles I Born
    Charles I began his reign as the King of England in 1625. He was known for religious and political friction that resulted in a Civil War. Many people ended up hating Charles as a leader. The opposing force in the Civil War defeated Charles' forces and Charles was beheaded in 1649
  • Frederick William Born

    Frederick William Born
    Frederick William grew up with a bit of a temperment and it definitely showed in his reign as well. He transformed Prussia into an efficent country that was fully equipped and a threat to many other surrounding countries. Then, he left his country to his son who turned Prussia into a major military power.
  • Charles I dismess parliament and rules alone

    Charles I dismissed parliament and decided to rule alone. This created issues that forced him to boost revenue. This caused many people to hate him. Although the people disliked him, they still followed him as their king because he was an absolute monarch and now ruled alone. He mad the decision to dismiss parliament and no one else had a say in it.
  • Louis XIV Born

    Louis XIV Born
    Louis XIV was able to hold the longest reign in European history which lasted from 1643 to 1715. Although he may of had a long lasting reign, throughout this time Louis was forced to flee many times from his own country. Louis also was a selfish man who started many wars between France and Spain. Louis also chose Catholicism while being the head of the Church, causing most Protestants and others to leave the country.
  • Charles I Death

    Charles I was an absolute monarch because he defied some laws that were originally made and used his powers to surpass the parliament's decisions. He got rid of the parliament and decided to rule alone. He was an absolute monarch at the point that he dissolved the parliament and violated the Petition of Right. Although he had just gained power, he did not have power for long because he was not a very liked king and ruler.
  • Frederick William resettles East Prussia

    In 1709 much of Prussia, specifically East Prussia, had been devasted by the plague and was filled with sorrow and many dead bodies. Those who had survived were scarred by the vision of watching theit family member die. East Prussia needed to be helped. Frederick William swept in and resettled East Prussia with resources, people, houses, and more.
  • Mazarin Death- Louis XIV appoints himself "Cheif Minister"

    Upon Louis's own wishes and with the death of Mazarin, Louis appoints himself "Cheif Minister". Mazarin was Louis's cheif minister/advisor who helped Louis rule, especially when Louis was young. This decision by Louis allowed him to rule alone.
  • Peter I Born

    Peter I Born
    Peter I otherwise known as Peter the Great was a Russian Czar and is best known for his reforms in the late 17th Century to try to make Russia a powerful nation. He established a powerful navy, created schooling standards, administrated control over the Orthodox Church, and much more.
  • Frederick William Death

    Frederick William was an absolute monarch becuase he made decisions without the consent of anyone else and ended up successfully building up Prussia. He was considered the Soldier King. He was the King of Prussia and also the Elector of Brandenburg. He had a lot of power and used his power over people to make decisions which ended up helping the country.
  • Peter I enters the Great Northern War

    Peter the Great entered the Great Northern War between Russia and Sweden and was prepared for combat on the Baltic. After succes in the war, Peter and his country would recieve the free ice ports they needed for easier trade, more resources, and also an influence on European Affairs.
  • Louis XIV Death

    Louis was an absolute monarch for a few main reasons. To begin he did not want to rule in conjunction with anyone else, thus he didn't appoint another cheif minister after Mazarin's death. He also wanted complete control so he became head of the Church. Lastly, he had an extremely large army.
  • Peter I Death

    Peter I was an absolute monarch because he controlled all aspects of Russia at the time and did a great job doing so. He controlled religion, politics, trade, and much more for Russia. The reason he was so successful was that he made all the decisions himiself, like all other absolute monarchs, but he also thought of the good of the country when making the decision. Because of this he was very liked. If a monarch is liked then they have more power in most cases.