Enlistment in the army Jefferson County, Kentucky
http://todaysmilitary.com/joining?source-id=Joining_the_Military_&content-id=+military_+enlistment&medium-id=BMM&campaign-id=G_Entering_the_Military_BM' >This is a link telling you about enlisting in the army</a> Absolom Harrison writes to his wife telling her that he has enlisted in the army.He asks that she takes care of his family and corn. He intends to send money as soon as possible. -
Realationship struggles Bullitt County,Kentucky
http://www.militaryonesource.mil/health-wellness/deployment?content_id=268646' >This is a link telling you how to maintain a strong relationship while in the military</a> Harrison is advising his wife to sell their corn. He ask her to trust in god to help in their difficult time apart. He prays he will be able to see his family again and if he doesn't that they will be taken care of. -
Sickness in the company Nelson county Kentucky
http://www.civilwaracademy.com/civil-war-diseases.html' > This is a link telling you about diseases in the civil war</a> Mr. Harrison writes that alot of men in his company are getting sick, he gives details of how they are kept very busy. He says if he lives to get out he wants nothing to do with the military ever again. They are forced to lay on the wet ground in the mud. -
Burying dead soldiers Bardstown kentucky
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/introduction/death-introduction/' >This is a link telling you about death in the civil war</a> Mr Harrison says his company has moved and are now on dry streets they have not recieved any money. None of the men have been allowed to go home. Now they have the unpleasent job of burying soldiers that died in hospitals, they also have to patrol the town. -
First pay Munfordville, Kentucky
http://www.goarmy.com/benefits/money.html' >This is a link explaining payment in the military </a>they have gotton their first pay, He still wants to come home. They are moving to Tennessee. They are also recieving weapons so they will be ready for battle. -
Going on strike Nashville Tennesseee
http://247wallst.com/investing/2010/09/03/the-ten-biggest-labor-strikes-in-american-history/' >This is a link of the 10 greatest strikes in american history</a> They have marched close to Nashville, Tennessee. The Regiment at on point refused to move until they got paid and got better weapons. Harrison is worried because he has not heard from his family. -
Losing men/ pay raise Nashville Tennessee
http://www.civilwar.org/education/civil-war-casualties.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/' >This is a link telling you about deaths in the civil war</a> There has been fighting about 100 miles away in Corinth. 15 to 20 thousand men have been lost. Harrison has a new appointment and he has recieved a pay raise -
close to the enemy Wartrace, Tennessee
http://www.civilwartraveler.com/WEST/TN/' >This is a link telling you Tennessee importance in the civil war</a> The regiment has moved to the Tennessee river and they are closer to the enemy -
Ready for battle Wartrace Tennessee
http://www.warblogging.com/soldiers-prepare-battle-desert/' >This is a link telling you about desert battle preperation</a> Still situated about 55 miles from Nashville they are ready for battle. They are learning to be carful about what they eat or drink because some of it can be poisionus. -
Fight at lebanon Wartrace Tennessee
http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/15/the-real-rebels-of-the-civil-war/?_r=0' >This is a link telling you what a rebel was</a> There was a fight at Lebanon Tennessee. A group of rebels attacked but were whipped badly. -
Spare time Wartrace Tennessee
http://www.civilwar.org/education/pdfs/civil-war-curriculum-3.pdf' >this is a link telling you what civil war soldiers did on there spare time</a> Things are at a stand still, everyone in the regiment seem to be doing fine. -
Soldiers killed by gurerrillas Wartrace Tennessee
http://www.britannica.com/topic/guerrilla-warfare' >This is a link explaining guerrilia warfare</a> Soldiers have been killed near Murfreesboro by guerrillas. They belong to our regiment. The secretary of war has issued an ordor saying Furloughs will not be granted.He learned there was fighting at Richmond and his side got the worst of it. The war is expected to go on for 2 years or longer.