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Abraham Lincoln's Life

  • Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky.

    Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky.
    Was born to his mom and dad.
  • Period: to

    Lincoln taught himself to learn.

    Taught himself.
  • Lincoln's family relocates to Indiana.

    Lincoln's family relocates to Indiana.
    Abraham's family moves to Indiana.
  • Lincoln's mother dies.

    Lincoln's mother dies.
    Abraham's mother dies of milk poison.
  • Lincoln and William F. Berry purchase a store in New Salem

    Lincoln and William F. Berry purchase a store in New Salem
    Abraham purchases a store.
  • Abraham Lincoln Marries Mary Todd.

    Abraham Lincoln Marries Mary Todd.
    He marries his wife they would never get divorced.
  • Lincoln has his first child.

    Lincoln has his first child.
    Lincoln has his first child of four. It was a boy.
  • Nominated for President.

    Nominated for President.
    Abraham is nominated for presidency.
  • Presidency Began

    Presidency Began
    Abraham is voted for president.
  • First ever republican elected as president.

    First ever republican elected as president.
    First ever republican elected.
  • Lincoln gives Gettysburg Address.

    Lincoln gives Gettysburg Address.
    Gives his most famous speech.
  • 13th Amendment.

    13th Amendment.
    13th amendment to abolish slavery.
  • Lincoln Dies.

    Lincoln Dies.
    While watching a movie.
  • Presidency Ended

    Presidency Ended
    Lincoln dies.
  • He is buried.

    He is buried.
    Lincoln is buried.