Abraham Licoln

  • Born To Be A Prsident

    Born To Be A Prsident
    Abraham Lincoln was a president to be born. He loved to read and learn. He read so many books that he memorized some of them. Abraham did not want to work like his father, so he started to find jobs and lived his own life.
  • Abraham's Sister's Death

    Abraham's Sister's Death
    When Abraham was 17 his sister died. His sister,Sarah married Aaron Grisby, her neighbor at that time. She died at childbirth Abraham went through a tough time that weekend.
  • The House That Is Still Standing

    The House That Is Still Standing
    In 1837 Lincoln had campainged for a fund for the Statehouse that is still standing. The Statehouse he campinged for is standing in Springfield, Illinois. He worked really hard to lead a team that could help him. He worked hard and he succeed.
  • The Closest Friend

    The Closest Friend
    Abraham Lincoln had a close friend named Joshua Speed that always supported him on tough times. When Abraham was traveling he needed a mattres but he coudn't buy. Joshua respected him and gave the mattres to him. Then Joshua said,"You can stay with me in my room we can share it."
  • The Day It Was Over

    The Day It Was Over
    In January 1841 Abraham broke his engagement with Mary Todd. After thhe Break up Lincoln was in a great depression. He was in a dark mood called melancholia.
  • The Best Life Partner

    The Best Life Partner
    Lincoln's wife was his most important person in his life. Mary Todd always supported him all the time. She took care of the kids and worked at the same time. Mary took good care of Lincoln and the kids while he was away doing his political and bussines things.
  • The Best Dad

    The Best Dad
    Lincoln's father always suporrted him on everything and influenced him. Since Lincoln's father had been through slavery, he told Lincoln that he would never like to see people working like that or anything. So Lincoln took his view toward his father and started to fight for not having slavery anymore.
  • Taking It Over

    Taking It Over
    On April14,1861 the Confederates took Fort Sumters. Lincoln later got a note saying that Fort Sumters would run out, he wondered what to do. He had a choice to surrender let themm surrender the fort or send new supplies.
  • Say Bye To Slavery

    Say Bye To Slavery
    Abraham Lincoln had set a proclamation for freeing the slaves. After awhile the proclamation saying to free the slave forever. All his hardwork at the end paied off.
  • The Speech

    The Speech
    On November 19,1863 Abraham Lincoln gave the speech,Gettysburg Adress. He gave the speech in Pennsylvavnia, there were many people there. Lincoln traveled all the way there just to give the speech and the speech was sucssesful.
  • The Amedment To Slavery

    The Amedment To Slavery
    On November,1864 the Congress had approved the 13th Amedment. The amedment was for putting an end to slavery or saying there will be no more slavery. Lincoln had changed the whole world that time.
  • The Great Prsident Dies

    The Great Prsident Dies
    Abraham Lincoln died as a great president. He died by a guy shooting him on the of his head when he was at a play. He was taken to the doctor, he survived one night, and was dead in the morning. At least 90 or more people were at his funeral.