
By bertej
  • 2166 BCE

    Family origin

    Abraham is the patriarch of Israelites, but before that, he was in Mesopotamia.
  • 2091 BCE

    God Promise

    God promises
    - he will make great nation
    - he will bless him and those around
    - Abraham Leaves home.
    Bible reference Genesis 12:1
    Abraham was 75 years of age.
  • 2065 BCE

    Key Interactions

    God allows Sarah to be pregnant, this happened when Abraham was 101 and Sarah was 91.
  • 1992 BCE

    Key interaction

    God changed Abram's name to Abraham when he was 99 years of age.
  • 1800 BCE

    Near Sacfrice of Isaac

    God commanded for Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, but it was a test to see if the loyalty was thee still.
  • Big Picture

    We learn that God and Abraham had trust in each other and loyalty, and when this happens good things come.
    God gave Abraham great nation like he promised, and Abraham obeyed God in return.
    Obey and have faith in what you believe in, and proceed through your faith.