Native women can marry non-native men 3
After many cases of Native women marrying non-native men and their Native status being taken away, Native women would now have the freedom to marry who they choose and keep their status -
golf course attempts to expand onto Native burial grounds 12
Natives refuse to allow a Quebec golf course to expand onto their burial ground, leading to the army coming to force them out -
Elijah Harper refused to support Meech lake 8
Elijah Harper, a Cree member of the Manitoba legislature, refused to support meech lake if the rights of Aboriginal people were not honoured -
the government returns the natives land from war 4
Natives lands that were used during WWII were finally returned to the Natives after the Government refusing to return them for many years. -
the relationship between non-native and native changes for better 9
A new relationship is set between Native and non-Native people that honours all of the Natives rights and respects their beliefs -
Government settles land claim with Nisga’a people 5
The Government and the Nisga'a people sign the first land claim agreement in history -
creation of Nunavut 1
After many years, Nunavut is created with the exception that it will have its own supreme court and its own legislative assembly -
land disagreement in Caledonia Ontario 10
member of six Nations built barrios around their houses to protect their lands from the Government -
14 year old girl from Attawapiskat demand for better schooling is turned down 11
A 14 year old girl from Attawapiskat is denied after asking for better schooling, which proves the poor conditions many Native children learn in -
Canada approves the UN’s Native rights 6
After many years of Canada refusing to meet the UN's set rights for the Natives, they finally gave in. -
the Idle no more movement 7
The idle no more movement joined many people together to celebrate indigenous people -
the truth about residential schools 2
Many victims of residential schools came out about how traumatizing their experience at residential schools were, through physical and mental abuse