1763 Royal Proclamation
Royal Proclamation of 1763 The 1763 Royal Proclamation was issued by King Geroge III, it was established to negotatie the treaties of the Aboriginal People before any further settlment was made across North America. It stated that the Aboriginal People reserved all lands not purchased by them. This law was the basis for modern Aboriginal land claims. -
Reserve System
-Enclosed territories which limits the FN's ability to participate in Canada's economy b/c wealth=property. Land is owned by Federal government. Money is distributed by band councils -
Britsh North America Act
-set out powers of the federal and provincial government and guaranteed the education and language rights of Quebec's Francophone majority.
-notwithstandingclause--. allowed the federal gov't/ any provinces to opt out of some of the clauses. (A clause the Cnd constitution that enables parliament or legislature of a province to allow and act to stand even though it contravenes the Charter of Rights & Freedoms. -
Indian Act
Provided medical care, hunting, & fighting rights but FN people had to give up their culture & tradition -
Aboriginal Right to Universal Suffrage & Native Council of Canada Formed
suffrage--> right to vote. Before 1960, in order to gain rights as a Canadian citizen, an Aboriginal would have to give up his/her Indian status, as well as their right to give up their right to live on the reserve. -
National Indian Brotherhood & Native Council of Canada Formed
NIB was formed to lobby on behlaf of Aborginal people living on reserves (status indians). The Native Council of Canada was created to represent non-status Indian and Metis. The reaction from these caused Trudeau to form the "White Paper" (1971). -
Residenal School System Abolished but Not All Closed
-not completley gone, just made into boarding schools. -
White Paper
White Paper--> a document that a government puts forwards discussion. If it's accepted, it may be passed into a law.
-suggested FN should be treated exactly the same as other Cnd citizens. Issue: changing the reserve system, inedequate housing & education, health and pberty in the reserves.
The Canadian government (PM Trudeau & Indian Affairs Minister, Jean) introduced the White Paper (an official statement of policy)
-abolition of reserves and seek jobs in cities.
NIB response with RED paper -
Western Alienation has come to an end
grown through the oil crisis in the 1970's -
Quebec Seperatism (PQ)
-October Crisis and the Quebec Seperatism was "very real."
-Concerns about seperatism brought attention to Pierre Trudeau, which contributed to him in taking power of Canada's constitution.
-PQ failed to win referenda that would have seperated Quebec from the rest of Canada. -
(Foreign Investment Review Agency)-formed by Trudeau to block any foregin investment that seem'd not to be in Canada's interest. -
1980's Assembly of the First Nations
1980 Referendum
-Rene Levesque (Partis Quebecois) called for a referndum on Quebec sovereignity.
-Made an agreement with Canada based on what he called "soverignity-association."
-Partnership with Canada would include : 1. free trade between Canada & Quebec 2. common currency for both nations 3. common tariffs against imported goods.
-Trudeau wanted Quebec to be recognized as a part of confederation as a "distinct society" within Canada. -
Movement Towards Self Government
self government--> the right of a colony/cultural groups to define laws that will govern it's affairs.
specific claims--> FN's claims to land based on the belief that the gov't didn't fufill its obligations under a treaty.
comprehensive claims--> the assertion of the right of Aborginal nations to large tracts of land b/c their ancestors were the original inhabitants. -
Assembly of First Nations formed
--> formed to represent the Aborginal peoples dealings with self government.
-chartered to the Charter or Rights and Freedom
-Passed Bill C-31-> gave band councils the right to live on reserves. -
Consitution Act
Pierre Trudeau and Queen Elizabeth ll signed the Constitution Act into law.
-step of making Canada an independent nation -
Passing of Bill C-31
-Gaves the band council the right to live on reserves.
-SPECIFIC LAND CLAIM-based on existing treaties.
-COMPREHENSIVE LAND CLAIM.- are based on rtaditional use and occupancy.
-Multiculturalism Act- provide a legal framework for existing multiculuralism policies across Canada. To reinforce racial and cultural equality with legal authority. -
agreement that came into effect between Canada and the U.S to allow good produced in each country to cross the border tariff-free.
-opened Canada-U.S joint investment
-Supporters of free trade made arguments about: 1. By eliminiating tariffs, this will attract U.S investment which will help Cn's industry grow. 2. give Cnd more acess to U.S
market=increase our productivity=lower prices compete with imports. 3.attract U.S to take advantage natural recources, etc...
- :jbs lst, thrt to Cnd indp -
The Meech Lake Accord
Prime Minister Mulroney met at Meech Lake to change the constitution to include Quebec. Attempt to create constitutional harmony.
-Clause: "distinct society.": French speakers in Quebec wanted a seperate def. of what it meant to be Quebecois...worried many English Canadians.
-All provinces would have the power to veto constitutional change
-Also known as the Quebec Round of constitutional ammendments.
-said to be a "complete failure." a "humiliation." -
The Oka Standoff
-Aborginal and non-aboriginal tension
-officals wanted to extend a gold course onto land that the Mohawks claimed had belonged to them.
-tense standoff between the army and the Mohawk Warriors. -
Nisg'a Treaty 1992-1998
Nisga'a people signed a treaty with provincial and federal gov'ts
-were given power of self ogv't to issues of culture/tradition.
-non aboriginal settlers do not have the right to govern the region. -
Charlotte Town Accord
--> a package of constitutional ammendments.
-Answered Quebecs concerns similar to Meech Lake Accord.
-proposed on reforming the state.
-put into national referdum in October -mostly voted know b/c ppl feltit gave Quebec too much power -
North American Free Trade Agreement- implemented in 1994 between the U.S, Mexico, and Canada to create a free trade zone among the countries. -
Ipperwash Ontario
Land Claim 3- Aborigianl people occupied land on a former army based which was taken during the Second world war. -
Gustafasen Lake
Land Claim 2- Aborginal people occupied land on sacred grounds. -
Delgamuluukw Case
The Statement of Reconciliation
The purpose of the Statement of Reconciliation was for the Canadian government to issue an official statement recognizing that the policies which sought to assimilate Aboriginal peoples -
Creation of Nunavut
-The creation of Nunavut, where aboriginal people were given the right to self govern over natural recources
-no political parties