Ableism Assessment

By Iwinosa
  • A Letter on the Blind, for the Benefit of Those Who See

    A Letter on the Blind, for the Benefit of Those Who See
    Denis Diderot published “A Letter on the Blind, for the Benefit of Those Who See,” demonstrating that blind people were capable of living productive and satisfying lives. The essay suggested that the sense of touch could be honed for reading in blind persons, foreshadowing the 19th-century invention of the Braille writing system.
  • First official blind school

    First official blind school
    the first school for children who are blind in Paris. He experiments with various sizes and forms of raised Roman letters to teach students who are blind to read.
  • The Creation of Braille

    The Creation of Braille
    Louis Braille was born in Coupvray, France. Louis Braille was a French educator and the inventor of a reading and writing system named after him, braille, intended for use by visually impaired people. His system is used worldwide and remains virtually unchanged to this day.
  • The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf

    The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf
    now the American School for the Deaf) in Hartford, Connecticut, the first educational program for exceptional children and youths, was formally established in the United States with Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet as the principal.
  • The American Association of Instructors of the Blind (AAIB)

    The American Association of Instructors of the Blind (AAIB)
    founded, comprised mostly of administrators at schools for the blind. Delegates from 14 different states, for the first time in American History.
  • Dr. Newel Perry

    Dr. Newel Perry
    With the efforts of Dr. Newel Perry, the New York legislature passes a bill to fund readers for blind college students.
  • Smith-Fess Act

    Smith-Fess Act
    President Woodrow Wilson signs the Smith-Fess Act, creating rehabilitation services for civilians with disabilities. established a civilian vocational rehabilitation program under the Federal Board for Vocational Education to be funded on a 50-50 matching basis with the states.
  • California Council for the blind

    California Council for the blind
    Dr. Newel Perry and Dr. Jacobus tenBroek founded the California Council for the Blind, an organization that enabled blind people to bring their concerns to the state legislature.
    The mission of the California Council of the blind is to increase the independence and equality for all Californians who are blind or low vision.
  • Braille Monitor

    Braille Monitor
    All Story changed its name to Braille Monitor and became a publication that focuses on legislation and other issues affecting the blind community. Representative Walter S. Baring and Senator John F. Kennedy introduced the Right to Organize bills into Congress to ensure that blind people have the right to speak for themselves through their organizations.
  • The International Federation of the Blind

    The International Federation of the Blind
    The International Federation of the Blind (IFB) is founded, and Dr. Jacobus tenBroek becomes its first President.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities by any entity that receives more than $2,500 in federal funding per year.

    Parents of blind children form a division of the NFB, later called the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children. Help families and blind children themselves maximize the child’s skills, independence, and opportunities, and we hold high expectations for all of our children.
  • ADA

    Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), considered to be the most sweeping piece of civil rights legislation in United States history. The National Federation of the Blind celebrates its fiftieth anniversary.
  • Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research

     Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research
    The NFB Jernigan Institute begins publication of the Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research, the world’s first professional journal published by and for blind people, parents, and teachers to address the real problems of blindness.