First term
Wins election in Illinois for House of Representatives for the first time -
Second Term
Wins second term in Illinois House of Representatives -
No slavery
Makes public announcement to end slavery -
Period: to
Lincolns life in Washington
Third term
Wins third term in Illinois House of Representatives -
Fourth term
Wins fourth term for Illinois House of Representatives -
Married Mary Todd
Abe was married to Marry Todd on November 4, 1842 -
US House of Representatives
Holds a seat in the US House of Representatives -
End Slavery
Propose amendment to end slavery -
End term
Ends first and only time in US House of Representatives -
Anti-Nebraska Act
Delivers speech in Peoria, Illinois -
US Senate
Elected -
Cooper Union speech
Famous speech given in NYC -
Republican President
Wins election in a four way race for presidency, first Republican president -
Takes oath as 16th president -
Is re-elected by the people for another term. Wins against McClellan -
Second Term
Takes oath for second time -
Killed in a theater by John Wilkes Booth -