Abby W history of psychology

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  • Pavlo's dogs

    Pavlo's dogs
    Ivan Pavlo conducted an experiment on dogs to demenstrate what a conditioned reflex is. Pavlo inserted tubes into the saliva glands of a group of dogs. He measured the amount of saliva secreated from the dogs mouth when he gave them food. He then rang a bell everytime he gave the dogs food. Eventually he conditioned the dogs to salvate at the sound of the bell.
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  • Little Albert

    Little Albert
    John B Watson conducted a study on a child named Albert in order to show evidence of classical conditioning and stimulus generalization.
  • skinners box

    skinners box
    Created Skinners box.A rat was placed in a box.He would punish the rat with a electrical shock when it answered wrong and would reward it with food when it answered corretly.This experiment proves operant conditioning.
  • Asch's conformity experiment

    Asch's conformity experiment
    Actors gave the wrong answer to a simple question.They observed the perticipant going along with the groups answer.
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  • Allen and Beatrix Gardener chimp sign language

    Allen and Beatrix Gardener chimp sign language
    Attempted to teach American sign language to a chimp.
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  • Bobo Doll

    Bobo Doll
    Albert Bandura studied the behavior of children after watching an adult model behave aggressively toward a bobo doll.This experinment is evidence of the social learning theory.
  • Milgram Experiment

    Milgram Experiment
    Participants were told to give a person (actor) a (fake) electical shock everytime they got an answer wrong while being advised by an advisor (actor) to do so. The shocks increased to a harmful rate as the questions went on. The participant, knowing the pain the shocks were causeing, had to decide if she/he would keep going with the questions.This experinemt proved people are conditioned to obey.
  • Martin Seligman learned helplessness

    Electicly shocked a dog until it gave up on trying to escape the pain.Discovered learned helplessness.
  • Stanford Prison Experiment

    Philip Zimbardo and his team of researchers put twenty four male students into a mock prison and recorded their behavior.This experiment demonstrates the cognitive disonance theory.
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