Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Discovered America
Columbus found America and discovered the earth was round. With-out Christopher Columbous we would not have known about america probally until a much later date and we would not be here. -
First African Americans Arrive in Virginia.
The 1st African Americans made it to America and were traded for food. At the beginning they were Servants but soon became Slaves. It changed our country by us realizing that African Americans can not be treated the way they have beem treated and was another step to them becoming free. -
Boston Tea party
Washington was Ignaugurated on this day.This gave us our first president who made us the STRONG country we are now. -
The Rev. War
The Revolutinary war was against Great Britian and the 13 Colonies to fight to be America. Without that war we would not be america that we are now. -
The Decleration of Independence
The Decleration was orgionally for the 13 colonies to break free from British ruling. This changed the way the nation thought about independence. It allows us to now be independent as a country and allows us to have a President rather than a King or a Queen -
The Revolutinary War Ending
The war ended and the English ahd declared to end hostilities in America. Through the war alot of African Americans were set free. Which now has made us a better country and allowed alot of African Americans to now be free in this country. -
The U.S. Bill of Rights was Ratified
Some of the U.S. rights were aproved, giving us the freedom of speech. 2 of the them were never ratified. These bills have allowed us to speak what we want as adults and, allows us to excersize our religions. -
The Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson Purchased Louisiana as trading port for the Americans. This being done has allowed us to transport goods through the country. -
Seneca Falls Convetion for Womans Rights
This allowed women to work outside of the home and allowed them to earn money. Sadly the women had to give the money to their husbands. This was beginning of even taliking about womens rights. Without this covention we may not have rights as women now and the life of women would be totally diffrent. So because of this women are now free to work and make their own money. -
Est. of Freedom
A agency freed and allowed slaves food, schooling, and medicine. Without that we may have not had freed slaves and there may still be slavery.