Dias departs from Lisbon, Portugal, and tries to sail around the southern tip of Africa after a storm blows them away from the coast.
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus began sailing westward to look for a maritime route to China and India; he found the Americas.
Sep 25, 1493
Columbus returns to the Americas once more, this time bringing with him friars to colonize and evangelize the native peoples he found.
Vasco de Gama leads an expedition around the southern tip of Africa, or the Cape of Good Hope in search of a sea route from west Europe to the east.
Cabot departs from Bristol and lands in Canada, taking possession of the land for the English king.
Feb 3, 1498
Cabot departed again, and went missing—it is believed he and his crew, minus one ship, died in a storm.
May 30, 1498
Columbus left on his third trip to the Americas to establish the land he found as belonging to Spain. He did not find a strait that led to India, however.
May 9, 1502
Columbus leaves on his fourth journey, sent to further study and explore South America. On his return from this journey, Columbus and his crew lost their ships and became stranded until rescuers arrived a year after.
Hernán Cortés sails from Hispaniola to Cuba, conquering the land.
Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Spain, and finds the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean. He was the first person to sail completely around the globe.
Feb 18, 1519
Hernán Cortés sails for Yucatán. It was in this journey that Cortés seized Montezuma II, the ruler of the Aztec empire of Mexico, and conquered the area.
Verrazzano sails to the New World, landing at Cape Fear, and explores northwards, staying on the East Coast.
The Portugese complete the first transatlantic slave voyage.
Verrazzano sails to Brazil
Verrazzano sails to Florida, the Bahamas, and the Lesser Antilles, before getting captured and eaten by cannibals.
Cartier sails to Newfoundland and discovers Prince Edward Island.
Cartier returns to Canada, and follows the St. Lawrence River to where Quebec is today, and sets up a base camp there.
Cartier arrives in Quebec, and, after winter, returns to France with what he thought were jewels. The jewels, upon Cartier's return to France, were revealed to have no value.
Drake captures the Spanish port of Nombre Dios.
Drake leads an expedition around South America, plundering Spanish ports, and landed around where San Francisco is today. He claimed the land for Queen Elizabeth, naming it New Albion in her honor, and returned to England.
Sir James Lancaster conducts the first voyage for the East India Company, setting up two factories on Java and te Moluccas.
Hudson departs from Holland on the ship Half Moon, and sails to the New World to look for the northwest passage.
Hudson departs on the ship Discovery in a voyage sponsored by the East India Company and the Muscovy Company to look for a different passage into the Pacific Ocean in the New World.
Hudson's crew mutinies, abandoning Hudson and his son in the now-named Hudson Bay.
The Dutch East India Company successfully trades two ships of slaves, thus involving them in the slave trade.
Captain Robert Knox buys and transports 250 slaves, beginning the East India Company's involvement in the slave trade.
The Royal Navy forces the East India Company to stop trading slaves.