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A Walk Through History By Breona Ellis

  • 105


    Paper was invented in 105 C.E. through the Han Dynasty.
  • Period: 105 to

    World History

  • 107


    107 BC, the social unrest reached a new level when talented military leader, Gaius.
  • 202


    The next dynasty was the Han B.C.E.–C.E. 220. The Han dynasty started trade with Europe.
  • 202


    202 B.C. Scipio routed Hannibals force on the plain of Zama outside of Carthage and took the city ending the Second Punic War.
  • 206


    The Qin dynasty lasted from 221 to 206 B.C.
  • 210


    Shi-Huangdi death: 210 B.C.E.
  • 220


    A rebellion ended the Han dynasty in C.E. 220 and China splited up into separate states.
  • 221


    In 221 B.C.E., Shi-Huangdi gained control over many warring Chinese states and became the first emperor of all China.
  • 256


    Zhou dynasty lasted until 256 B.C.E.
  • 264


    The beginning of the First Punic War, 264 B.C.
  • 265


    265 B.C., Roman defeats the Etruscans and the Greek cities in South Italy.
  • 300


    Romans began electing magistration called practors in 300s B.C.
  • 320


    320 b.c. the gupta empire was established,
  • 324


    324 b.c. the mauryan empire developed
  • 340

    War in Greece

    340s BC Macedonia swept in and took control over Greece.
  • 356


    Between 481 and 221 B.C.E., war broke out between separate states or areas in China
  • 404

    War in Greece

    Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleek, leaving Athens with no choice but to surrender.
  • 415


    The Age of Pericles c. 495- 429 B.C. Assembly: all male citizens over 18 Payment for public officials. Their Three Main Goals of Pericles were the following:
    Strength the democracy,Build and maintain the empire
    , and Beautify and glorify Athens.
  • 421


    421 bc agreed to a truce between Dalian and Athens.
  • 425


    In 430 - 429 Bc a plague struck Athens.
  • 427


    427 BC war broke out again, when Athenians attacked one of Sparta's allies.
  • 431


    Dalian and the Peloponnesian League declared war on each other 431 BC
  • 450


    By 450 B.C. the plebians forced the patricians to have all laws written.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    This marks the fall of Rome.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    476 - The fall of the Roman Empire. This was the start of the the Middle Ages.
  • 500


    500 b.c.e. the gupta empire collasped
  • 500


    Buddah was born within the 500s BC.
  • 500


    Ancient near East is a term to express the many cultures developed in Southwest Asia before 500 B.C.
  • 500


    Athenians v. Sparta aka Brains v. Strength/ Power
    fallen under Persian rule in 500 bc
  • 500


    Peloponnesian League alliance had been formed in the 500 BC to provide protection and security for its members
  • 500


    500 C.E. is the time peroid of which Confucious, latin for King FU Zi, lived.
  • 563


    Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal around 563 He dedicated his life to personal peace. Later on name was altered to Buddah.
  • 570

    MIddle Ages

    This marks the prophet of Islam's birth, Muhammad.
  • Nov 21, 613

    Middle Ages

    Muhammad begins to preach publicly, which led many Meccas to believe that his revolutionary ideas would led to a rejection of the Arab gods.
  • Jun 19, 616


    Rome was under Etruscans rule which brough present many great influeneces such as: the alphabet, numbers, shaped the Republic government, built techniques, and the first city walls.
  • Mar 18, 622

    MIddle Ages

    Muhammad leaves Mecca and moved to Yathrib.
  • Oct 16, 753


    753 BC was the official establisment of Rome.
  • Aug 16, 1000


    Latins reach Italy in the 1000s B.C.
  • Feb 2, 1100


    The Trojan War ended in 1100 BC,
  • Oct 18, 1122


    The Zhou dynasty began in 1122 B.C.
  • Nov 21, 1206

    Middle Ages

    The Mongol Empire is festablished by Genghis Khan.
  • Dec 5, 1255

    MIddle Ages

    The Abbasid increased their authority by consulting religious liberators. The Abbasids union lasted from 750 - 1258.
  • Mar 24, 1279


    the Mongols controlled all of China by 1279 C.E,
  • Sep 18, 1279


    When the Mongols came into power much later in C.E. 1279, their lives improved for a while. This was the time peroid of improvement for Some merchants who became quite rich because they could trade freely throughout the empire.
  • Sep 24, 1347

    MIddle Ages

    1347 - The Black Death begins in Europe. This horrible disease begans an unstable outrage within the community.
  • Aug 16, 1368


    during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), the Great Wall was lengthened to 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers). Criminals, troublemakers, musicians, teachers, writers, and artists, ordinary people were forced from their homes to help build the wall.
  • Oct 16, 1368


    The last Chinese dynasty was the Ming, which lasted from C.E. 1368 to 1644. It was famous for its exquisite arts and crafts.
  • Jul 2, 1444

    Middle Ages

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press. This assist the launch of the Renaissance.
  • Mar 10, 1482

    Middle Ages

    Leonardo Da Vinci paints "The Last Supper."
  • Oct 10, 1500


    1500 b.c. migration of new guropean people , indo europeans moved to the Ganges Plan, used meter technology to get into the east
  • Egypt

    New Kingdom ( 1500- 1070 B.C.E.)Roughly 1500 Egyptians conquering Hyksos begun the New Kingdom period.

    Developed permanent armies
    Advanced tools : horse- drawn chariots
    Extends the country's boundaries
    Height of Egypts Power
  • Indus Valley (India)

    Decades after the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, Indus script was abandoned completely.
  • Mesopotamia

    The Babylonian Empire reached its peak during the reign of Hammurabi, from 1792 B.C. to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi’s most enduring legacy is the code of laws he put together.
  • China

    China’s first dynasty was the Shang which ranged from 1766 to 1122 B.C.E.
  • Egypt

    1786 B.C. Egypt was conquered by Asian settlers called Hyksos
  • Egypt

    First woman pharaoh Queen Nefrusobek(1787-1783 B.C.)
  • Indus Valley

    The Indus Valley declined.
  • Rome

    Social war broke out in 91 B.C.
  • Mesopotamia

    In about 2000 B.C., nomadic warriors known as Amorites invaded Mesopotamia.
  • Rome

    50 B.C. Julius Caesar was the most powerful man in the Roman Republic.
  • Greece

    the rise and fall of Ancient Greece (2100-150 B.C.)
  • China

    The Han Dynasty ( 202 B.C.- C.E. 220) mass produce in factory because more people where beginning to access more paper.
  • Greece

    Greeks Ionia wanted independence bc they were unhappy with Persian Rule, rebelled in 499 BC.
  • China

    The Sui dynasty was established (C.E. 581–618).
  • China

    The beginning of the Tang Dynasty where they had established literature and arts.
  • China

    China was brought back together in C.E. 960 by the Song dynasty.
  • China

    By the end of the Tang dynasty (C.E. 618–907),
    there were bookshops in every Chinese city.
  • Rome

    Etrucscans rule over Rome ends in 509 B.C.
  • Rome

    149 B.C. Rome destroyed Cartheage once in for all.
  • Middle Ages

    Charlemagne united much of Western Europe.
  • Indus Valley ( INdia)

    Buddishm was formed.
  • Middle Ages

    Clovis becomes King of the Franks.
  • Greece

    Persian War (493-479 B.C.)Persian emperor Darius go out to seek revenge planned to punish the Ionian allies
  • Rome

    In 494 B.C. Rome was threaten by invaders.
  • Rome

    Cartharita general Hannibal led a well trained army with elephants across Italy in 218 B.C.!
  • Egypt

    Middle Kingdom ( 2040 - 1786 B.C.E. was a period of chaos.
  • Establishment of the Xia Dynasty

    Establishment of the Xia Dynasty
    The Xia Dynasty is most commonly known for being the FIRST dynasty established in China, 2100-1600 B.C. Thus leding a trend of further dynasties to come. The Xia Dynasty was also the first to irrigate, produce cast bronze and a strong army. The people of the Xia Dynasty also used oracle bones and had adapted a calendar.
  • Mesopotamia

    One of the first known maps was made on a clay tablet in about 2300 B.C.
  • Mesopotamia

    About 2350 B.C., a conqueror named Sargon defeated the city-states of Sumer. Sargon led his army from Akkad (AK•ad), a city-state north of Sumer.
  • Indus Valley

    Indus Valley reaches a climzx, peak.
  • Mesopotamia

    After 2500 B.C.,many Sumerian city-states came under the rule of dynasties.
  • Mesopotamia

    By 2500 B.C., new cities were arising all over the Fertile Crescent, in what is now Syria, northern Iraq, and Turkey.
  • Mesopotamia

    After 2500 B.C.,many Sumerian city-states came under the rule of dynasties.
    By 2500 B.C., new cities were arising all over the Fertile Crescent,
  • Indus Valley

    From 2600 to 1700 B.C. a increasing number of people settled on the banks of the Indus Valley. These settlements were labled Indus Valley Civilization were they developed the most suffient drainage system.
  • Indus Valley (Indian)

    Indus script was eastablished and fully mature, well developed.
  • Egypt

    The peroid of chaos changed when King Mentuhotep reunited Egypt ( 2650 B.C.) and developed a new age of peace, prosperity, and strong government.
  • Egypt

    Old Kingdom (2649 - 2143 B.C.E.) Age of the Pyramids
    Had the Capital of Memphis
    Believed gods walked the earth there pharaohs
    lasted 500 years
    Largest Pyramid Giza
  • Greece

    The Minoans of Crete developed in Crete as early 3000 BC,
    Lasted 2,000 yrs.
  • Mesopotamia

    After 3000 B.C., wars between cities became more and more frequent. Gradually, Sumerian priests and people gave commanders permanent control of standing armies.
  • Mesopotamia

    By 3000 B.C. the Sumerians had built a number of cities, each surrounded by fields of barley and wheat.
  • indus Valley

    Farming setrtlements were established.
  • Indus Valley

    3100 B.C. early settlements develop in Indus Valley.
  • Mesopotamia

    Around 3300 B.C., Sumerians arrived on the scene.
  • Mesopotamia

    From 3000 to 2000 B.C., the city-states of Sumer were almost constantly at war with one another.
  • Mesopotamia

    People first began to settle and farm the flat, swampy lands in southern Mesopotamia before 4500 B.C.
  • Mesopotamia

    People first began to settle and farm the flat, swampy lands in southern Mesopotamia before 4500 B.C. Around 3300 B.C., the people called the Sumerians,
  • Mesopotamia

    People first began to settle and farm the flat, swampy lands in southern Mesopotamia before 4500 B.C.