Women’s Movement
DBQ: to what extent did the portrayal of women in art and media in the 1960s and 70s reflect the growing feminist movement? Argument: The Women’s Rights Movement of the 60s and 70s fought tirelessly for more respectful and accurate portrayals of women in America, but ultimately did not win that fight. -
Period: to
A Walk in Women's Shoes
Timeline focusing on the portrayal of women in art and media in the 1960s.. flowing into the 1970s -
NOW Boycotts and Protests Colgate
*The National Organization for Women (NOW) was created in 1966
* goal: obtain “equality for all women”; served as primary catalyst of the women’s movement
* organized a boycott of colgate-palmolive products (1968)
Boycott and protest for five days-BC company discrimination against female employees -
NOW Boycotts and Protests Colgate
#1This ad is for TOPPER TOYS marketing homemaker toys to young girls with the headline Suzy Homemaker is a square
also shows a woman in a traditional homemaker roles and even goes beyond the first ad as it promotes domestic work and shows women as submissive and only helpers to the man and man made products of America.
#3-American Airlines
Some ads did portray women working outside of the and
Even though this ad shows women in the workplace it’s in a deeming way -
Feminist Art Movement
The production of feminist art began to raise in the late 1960s. There is no exact date given to the start of the movement based on research. The movement carried over into the 1970s and so forth— due to our presentation time span the info will be cut short highlighting the movement’s important event centered in the 1960-70s. -
Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade legalized abortion
- 1973 Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade assured women the right to legal abortions
- Media Connection: video from ABC news broadcast over the court case depicts women as selfish, murderous, evil beings