Rocket go to the moon from earth vector 19355931

A trip to the moon

  • Period: 125 BCE to 181 BCE

    A true Story

  • Period: 1308 to 1320

    Divine Comedy

    "The sea I sail has never yet been passed;
    Minerva breathes, and pilots me Apollo,
    And Muses nine point out to me the Bears [...]
    Fix gratefully thy mind
    On God, who unto the first star has brought us [...]
    Besides, if rarity were of this dimness
    The cause thou askest, either through and through
    This planet thus attenuate were of matter"
  • The Man in the Moone

  • Period: to

    The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

  • From the Earth to the Moon

  • Around the Moon

  • On the Moon

  • The first Men in the Moon

  • A Trip to the Moon

    George Mellies
  • The rocket to the Moon

  • Woman in the Moon

  • Cosmic Voyage

  • Destination Moon

  • Period: to

    Destination Moon

  • Mission to the Moon

  • Countdown