A Trip to Cambodia's History

  • Independence of Cambodia

    This is when Cambodia gained there independence from France.
  • Sihanouk father becomes king

    Sihanouk father becomes king and he becomes Prime Minister.
  • Sihanouk's father dies

    Sihanouk father dies and he soon takes over his spot.
  • Sihanouk becomes head of the state

    Sihanouk father dies, and he becomes head of the state.
  • US secret bombing

    The US campaigns a secret bombing against North Vietnamese.
  • Sihanouk is overthrown

    The Prime Minister Lon Nol overthrown Sihanouk. Then proclaims Khmer Republic and sends army to fight North Vietnamese in Cambodia.
  • Lon Nol is overthrown by Pol pot

    Lon Nol was overthrown by Pol Pot and Sihanouk briefly becomes head of the state. The country is renamed Kampuchea.
  • Country is renamed to Democratic Kampuchea

    The country is renamed to Democratic Kampuchea. Sihanouk resigns, and Khieu Samphan becomes head of the state. Then Pol Pot becomes Prime Minister.
  • Fighting breaks out in Vietnam

    U.S troops invaded Cambodia.
  • Vietnamese forces invade in a lightning assault.

    Vietname soldiers invaded Cambodia for a lightning assault.
  • The Vietnamese take Phnom Penh.

    The Vietnamese take Phnom Penh. Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge forces go to the border region with Thailand.
  • Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections.

    Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections, and the international community refuses to recognise the new government.
  • Hun Sen becomes Prime Minister.

    Hun Sen becomes Prime Minister, and Cambodia is plagued by guerrilla warfare.
  • Buddhism is re-established as the state religion.

    Buddhism is re-established as the state religion, and the country was renamed to the State of Cambodia. Vietnamese troops withdraw, Hun Sen tries to attract foreign people by abandoning socialism.
  • Sihanouk becomes head of state.

    Sihanouk becomes head of state, and a peace agreement is signed in Paris.
  • Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender.

    Thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender in government amnesty.
  • Deputy leader of Khmer Rouge Ieng Sary forms a new party.

    Deputy leader of Khmer Rouge Ieng Sary forms a new party and is granted amnesty by Sihanouk.
  • The Khmer Rouge put Pol Pot on trial and sentence him to life imprisonment.

    Hun Sen mounts a coup against the prime minister, Prince Ranariddh, and replaces him with Ung Huot.The Khmer Rouge put Pol Pot on trial and sentence him to life imprisonment.
  • Prince Ranariddh is found guilty of arms smuggling

    Prince Ranariddh is tried in his absence and found guilty of arms smuggling.
  • Pol Pot dies.

    Pol Pot dies in his jungle hideout.
  • First bridge across the Mekong River opens.

    First bridge across the Mekong River opens, linking east and west Cambodia.