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A.Torreulla FrenchRev

  • Economy Reforms

    Economy Reforms
    This was a period of time when the french government spent more money then they had. They reformed the economy and made it so that wouldnt happen again. By doing this they made the 7 year war, wich was helpful.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    This was another attempt to fix the debt. Louis XVI called the estate generals, each estated picked representatives. The chosen representatives had a meeting to fix everything. This lasted for a few weeks, it finally ended when the third estate formed themselves into a National Assembly. Signaling the outbreak of the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath/ Constitution

    Tennis Court Oath/ Constitution
    The National Assembly acts were 4 acts that had massive impacts on the French Revolution. The first was on June 20th 1789. This was when the National Assembly members take the Tennis Court Oath, pledging to create new constitution, They did make the constitution and it worked well.
  • Parisians storm the Bastille

    Parisians storm the Bastille
    This day is now known as a Nationanal Independence Day for France. But in 1789 more than 800 Parisians rioted and attacked the Bastille, which is a symbol of monarchy abuse. They broke in and killed many people and in their eyes made things a lot better.
  • Decloration of the Rights Of Man

    Decloration of the Rights Of Man
    The French create their Decloration of the Rights of Man. They make this to explain that all men and citizens have certain rights that they recieve when they are born. This is mostly for the peasants so they know their rights.
  • Womens March

    Womens March
    The Womans March on Versailles, is when a mob of Women from paris marched to the Palace of the king and queen. The goal was to fix the cost of bread. at the time 1 loaf of bread was a months salary. They wnated the Queen dead, but they comprimised to bring the Palace back to Paris. And the price of bread was lowered and it began a huge downfall for the king and queen of france.
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    Because of the Revolution other people thought the french were weak. The French people were in no temper to be dictated to by foreign monarchs, and the threat of force merely resulted in the militarization of the frontiers. King Louis was saved for the present by the fact that those in the Assembly who favored a constitutional monarchy over a republic desperately needed him to continue in his role.
  • Monarchy Abolished

    Monarchy Abolished
    Under the Constitution of 1791, France would function as a constitutional monarchy. It basically limited the kings power. But it didnt work out as planned. So the Assembly just abolished monarchy for good which was very great.
  • Robespierre and the Reighn of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reighn of Terror
    In June 1793, the French Revolution enters its most violent stage of the revolution. The reign of terror was a 10 month period which suspected enemies of the revolution were guillotined by the thousands. Many of the killings were carried out under orders from Robespierre,
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    When Napolean took over he used Nationalism to make france a dominate power of Europe, once they began conquering others and spreading France then Nationalism spread as well and became very much of the populaiton of Europe.