Mulhouse, electropolis

A timeline on the Industrial Revolution

  • Beginning of the industrial revolution

    Beginning of the industrial revolution
  • Machine de Watt

    Machine de Watt
    James Watt, born 19 January 1736 in Greenock, Scotland and died 25 August 1819 in Heathfield. Watt’s machine (also known as the Boulton & Watt steam engine) has made fundamental improvements to previous steam engines. This was the first steam engine to use a separate condenser. Steam from the steam boiler enters the cylinder via a valve. This pushes the piston down into the cylinder. … This pulls the weight down and moves the piston up.
  • The first steamboats

    The first steamboats
    The Englishman Henry Bell, he was scottish who was born in 7 april 1767 and died in 14 march 1830 was the first to pass the steamship from the rivers to the ocean. In 1812, he sailed a 30-ton ship on the Clyde, the Comet, with its side paddle wheels, and then, boldly, threw it into the sea and toured the British Isles. The boat made it possible to connect the British islands.
  • The first iron line

    The first iron line
    Richard Trevithick (Camborne 13 april 1771 - Dartford 22 april 1833) may be considered the inventor of the train when his first steam locomotive appeared in Cornwall, in the south of England, in 1804... and later in 1830, the first passenger rail line was opened between Manchester and Liverpool. It is on this two-lane line, used solely by steam locomotives, that scheduled passenger transport is put into service for the first time.
  • The first light bulb

    The first light bulb
    The first traces of the light bulb date from the middle of the 19th century: In 1835, James Bowman Lindsay, a British inventor, presents a prototype of a revolutionary light bulb. The invention is incredible, even if the abundant light remains weak, allowing only half a meter to read a book. The inventor was James Bowman Lindsay (8 September 1799 - 29 June 1862).
  • Creation of the first commercial line for electric telegraphy

    Creation of the first commercial line for electric telegraphy
    The first commercial electric telegraph line was laid along a railway line in England in 1838. The inventor’s name is Samuel Morse and he’s American. born on April 27, 1791 in Charlestown (Massachusetts) and died on April 2, 1872 in New York (State of New York). The telegraph made it possible to communicate throughout the cities at these beginnings, this was a big revolution.
  • End of the industrial revolution

    End of the industrial revolution