A timeline of the french revolution

  • meeting of representatives of the three estates

    King Louis XVI is forced to meet the estates general assembly to raise taxes\
  • Period: to

    National Assembly Government

    government of the revolution led by the third estate
  • Bastille

    Bastille is stormed and taken over by a mob from paris
  • Period: to

    great fear

    peasants attack manors
  • Tennis court oath

    the tennis court oath national assembly says they will not disband until it a constitution has been made
  • jacobin

    the nobles in the national assembly renounce their feudal rights, and jacobins are formed
  • DRMC

    Assembly issues declaration of the rights of man
  • Period: to

    transportation of king louis

    king Louis brought from Versailles to Tuileries palace in paris
  • Period: to

    fleeing of the king

    king Louis flees to Austria is caught at varennes
  • Period: to

    legislative assembly government

    constitutional government by elected officials
  • Paris mob

    Paris mob
    Paris mobs break through the royal palace;legislative assembly government collapse; thousands killed because of being suspected of traitors
  • Period: to

    national convention government

    elected by universal male suffrage to rewrite constitution
  • national convention

    national convention
    national convention abolishes monarchy and declares france a republic
  • calendar switch start

    day one of new revolutionary calendar
  • calendar switch

    new calendar is introduced
  • king louis execution

    king louis execution
    execution of the king
  • counter-revolutionary revolt

    revolutionary revolt in the vendee region begions
  • reign of terror

    robespierre begins new job as part of the committee of public saftey
  • government changes are made

    controls in price put into place
  • thermidor

    reign of terror is ended by robespierre's execution
  • church

    churches are reopened
  • new gov't

    new constitution is put into place
  • government take over

    government removes royalists
  • napolean

    end of the french revolution when napolean establishes constulate government