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A Timeline of Computer Technology

By ApeRoom
  • Hedy Lamarr and the Communication System

    Hedy Lamarr and the Communication System
    Actress and Inventor Hedy Lamarr creates a frequency-hopping spread spectrum communication system which she intended for the United States to use to fight the Axis Powers during WWII. Though her invention was initially turned down, its core technology was - and still is - used as the basis of WiFi.
  • The Idea of a Computer Network is Born

    The Idea of a Computer Network is Born
    M.I.T. computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider popularizes the idea of a network of network of computers communicating with one-another through wide-band communication lines.
  • ARPANET Launches

    ARPANET Launches
    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or ARPANET, is launched by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the U.S. Defense Department. The first message ever sent through ARPANET was short: "LOGIN." The message crashed the server after submitting just two of the five letters.
  • Kahn and Cerf Create the IP Adress

    Kahn and Cerf Create the IP Adress
    Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf create the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, which would allow for users to communicate with each other using simplex communication channels specific to their interface.
  • NSFNET is Founded

    NSFNET is Founded
    The National Science Foundation Network, or NSFNET, is founded. It is created to serve as a government network for research computing, and the network's high-speed optimization would soon become the blueprint for commercially public internet.
  • Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web
    Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, the method that is used today in order to access data online by translating said data into interactive and intuitive websites and hyperlinks.
  • Mosaic Launches

    Mosaic Launches
    Mosaic Launches, becoming the first web browser available to the public. Mosaic played a vital role in popularizing the internet and the world wide web as something to be used by everyone with its integration of graphics, intuitive interfaces, personal support, and simple installation.
  • Google Launches

    Google Launches
    Google is launched, giving rise to the internet search engine and simplifying the web browsing process tenfold. It quickly becomes the most visited site on the internet.
  • The iPhone is Born

    The iPhone is Born
    The first iPhone is introduced to the world by business magnate Steve Jobs. The device revolutionizes the technology industry and puts the internet into the pocket of the everyday individual.