A Timeline of My Life

  • birth

    i was born which made me the person i am today
  • first steps

    first steps
    initiative vs guilt, start to feel control and power because i can now talk and walk
  • starts to speak

    starts to speak
    i started to talk full words making me learn more
  • made cheer

    made cheer
    i make the cheer team in high school which helpe me become a better person
  • got drivers license

    got drivers license
    started driving which made me feel a little more responsible and powerful
  • goes to college

    goes to college
    attends The University Of Texas in Austin, industry vs inferiority i start to feel like i succeeded
  • graduate college

    graduate college
    class of 2021, feel like i have succeeded
  • has first kid

    has first kid
    gives me pride and a reason to become a better person
  • wedding

    gets married, i am now ready to start a family, intamacy vs isolation, i am growing in relationships
  • join SVU

    join SVU
    starts working with Special Victims Unit, starting to become real adult and enter real world
  • buys house

    buys house
    buys my first house, feels more responsible
  • buy a car

    buy a car
    buys a BMW, intamacy vs isolation, good family making good money, stable
  • husband loses job

    husband loses job
    puts us in unstable state making life harder
  • little sister dies

    little sister dies
    puts me in a depressed stage, start to think more about other people
  • child graduates high school

    child graduates high school
    child goes to college, feel like i raised child right, generativity vs stagnation
  • promoted

    become Captain of SVU, start making more money for family
  • move to California

    move to California
    buys a house in San Diego, want to start all over with everything happening
  • grand child is born

    grand child is born
    gives me satisfaction that i have raised a good family, generativity vs stagnation
  • retire

    i retire from SVU, decided its time for me to go but i had a good run
  • start charity event for cancer paitents

    start charity event for cancer paitents
    collecting money for people with cancer who cant afford the treatments, generativity vs stagnation, i feel better about myself
  • husband gets cancer

    husband gets cancer
    makes me think more about the people i take for granted
  • grand child attends college

    grand child attends college
    feel proud that my child had a child that succeeded
  • husband cured from cancer

    husband cured from cancer
    husband is cancer free, brings joy to my life, integerity vs despair, i feel like my life has been a success, dont really have any regrets
  • child gets a divorce

    child gets a divorce
    i feel a little of regret because i feel like i did something wrong in raising my child to make them not choose the right spouse, ego integerity vs despair, i am feeling regret because of the divorce
  • grand child gets a job and starts a life

    grand child gets a job and starts a life
    makes me feel proud that my child has a good and stable life and is doing these on her own
  • husband dies

    husband dies
    depression falls on me as my life and family start to vanish
  • i die

    i die
    ego integerity vs despair, i look back and feel proud for what i did in my life and what i accomplished