A Timeline of Education in America

  • Period: to

    The American Colonial Period (1600-1776)

  • Period: to


  • Education of African Americans

    Education of African Americans
    The education of African Americans during this period was very limited, very few enslaved African Americans were able to read and write. Most who learned did so in secret. Laws existed in many places in the south prohibiting the education of African Americans. Whites feared that education would lead to rebellion.
  • Puritans

    a religious group called puritans believed in the importance of religious education and valued each person’s ability to read the bible so education in New England colonies was a way to safeguard their beliefs and way of life
  • universities and colleges

    universities and colleges
    a few universities and colleges, including Harvard University and the college of William and Mary were founded during this period.
  • Quakers

    Education in the Middle Atlantic states during this period was very diverse and Quakers felt that everyone should be educated and were tolerant of other religious beliefs.
  • Apprenticeships

    People who started to learn skilled trades by watching someone else and helping an expert in that trade.some worked without pay for an agreed period in exchange for their learning.
  • Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    During this period Benjamin Franklin was one of the most important early leaders in the colonies, urging independence from England and he signed the declaration of independence and the constitution.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Also during this period Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States,one of the most brilliant individuals in history. He was a politician, an architect, a philosopher, an inventor, a farmer, and a writer.
  • Southern Colonies

    Education in Southern colonies during this period was not considered a function of the government and social and economic class divisions were more rigid. Boys were educated at home by tutors, middle class and poor children, especially girls, had fewer opportunities for formal education and Enslaved people were only taught skills that were useful to their owners.
  • Period: to

    The American Early National Period (1776-1840)

  • Period: to

    The American Common School Period (1840-1880)

  • Horace mann

    Horace mann
    The Horace mann role in education during this period served as the first secretary of the state board of education in Massachusetts this role, he made an impact on education nationally, as well as in his state. Mann worked hard to establish free, public education for every boy and girl in Massachusetts.
  • Emergence of Kindergarten

    The emergence of kindergarten happened when a man named Froebel started using his ideas, songs and games in schools. His creative and social approach to learning worked well with young children. Educators and parents noticed the success in his methods.
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    The Morrill Act of 1862 known as the Land-Grant College Act gave federal land to establish colleges in every state
  • Emergence of Career and Technical education

    The Emergence of career and technical schools were to set up students for career opportunities in specific trades and occupations. The funding was provided greatly to the spread of career and technical classes in the public high schools.
  • Period: to

    The American Progressive Period (1880-1921)

  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    In The 1900’s John Dewey’s role in education during this period was a leading voice for progressive education. His influence on what was taught and how it was taught was not to be underestimated.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    In 1920 Maria Montessori’s role in education during this period was to make sure children who had a difficult time learning due to medical conditions have a chance to learn like other children who didn’t have medical conditions. She developed a teaching program that helped them.
  • The State of Education

    The state of education during this era had major changes; there was not enough money for schools and citizens was unable to pay their taxes, and some schools shortened their year etc.
  • Period: to

    The 1920’s and the Great Depression Era

  • Dick and Jane readers

    Dick and Jane readers are books that taught basic reading skills with simples stories about a family.