A Time for Change

  • *First organ transplant

    *First organ transplant
  • *Korean War begins

    *Korean War begins
  • *T.V. color broadcasting began

    *T.V. color broadcasting began
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
  • *Elvis Presley begins his rise to fame

    *Elvis Presley begins his rise to fame
  • *Disneyland opens

    *Disneyland opens
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts
  • *Jackie Robinson retires from baseball

    *Jackie Robinson retires from baseball
  • Central High School integrated in Little Rock, Arkansas

    Central High School integrated in Little Rock, Arkansas
  • *NASA formed as U.S.begins ramping up efforts to explore space

    *NASA formed as U.S.begins ramping up efforts to explore space
  • *Hula Hoop invented

    *Hula Hoop invented
  • John Kennedy Elected

    John Kennedy Elected
  • Freedom Riders begin routes

    Freedom Riders begin routes
  • Rachel Carson Writes Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson Writes Silent Spring
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
  • the Feminine Mystique is published

    the Feminine Mystique is published
  • March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

    March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
  • Assination of John Kennedy

    Assination of John Kennedy
  • *Nike company founded

    *Nike company founded
  • *Muhammad Ali became heavyweight champion

    *Muhammad Ali became heavyweight champion
  • Civil Rights Act signed by Lyndon Johnson

    Civil Rights Act signed by Lyndon Johnson
  • CesarChavez and creation of United Farm Workers

    CesarChavez and creation of United Farm Workers
  • Assination of Malcolm X

    Assination of Malcolm X
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
  • Rioots in WATTS

    Rioots in WATTS
  • Founding Conference for Now

    Founding Conference for Now
  • *First Super Bowl

    *First Super Bowl
  • TET Offensive

    TET Offensive
  • Massacre at My Lai

    Massacre at My Lai
  • Assination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Assination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Assassination of Robert Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert Kennedy
  • Nixon becomes President

    Nixon becomes President
  • Man on the moon

    Man on the moon
  • Woodstock

  • *Sesame Street premieres on National T.V.

    *Sesame Street premieres on National T.V.
  • First Earth Day observed

    First Earth Day observed
  • Kent State Protesters killed

    Kent State Protesters killed
  • *Email invented

    *Email invented
  • ERA passes Congress as a proposed amendment

    ERA passes Congress as a proposed amendment
  • *Hacky Sac invented

    *Hacky Sac invented
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
  • Title IX (sports) is passed

    Title IX (sports) is passed
  • OPEC oil embargo

    OPEC oil embargo
  • Roe vs. Wade passed

    Roe vs. Wade passed
  • Wounded knee and FBI clash

    Wounded knee and FBI clash
  • *Disposable Lighter invented

    *Disposable Lighter invented
  • Nixon resigns and Ford becomes President

    Nixon resigns and Ford becomes President
  • Post-it note invented

    Post-it note invented
  • *Walter Payton drafted

    *Walter Payton drafted
  • *Oakley company founded

    *Oakley company founded
  • Cell phone invented

    Cell phone invented