*First organ transplant
*Korean War begins
*T.V. color broadcasting began
Brown vs. Board of Education
*Elvis Presley begins his rise to fame
*Disneyland opens
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts
*Jackie Robinson retires from baseball
Central High School integrated in Little Rock, Arkansas
*NASA formed as U.S.begins ramping up efforts to explore space
*Hula Hoop invented
John Kennedy Elected
Freedom Riders begin routes
Rachel Carson Writes Silent Spring
Cuban Missle Crisis
the Feminine Mystique is published
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Assination of John Kennedy
*Nike company founded
*Muhammad Ali became heavyweight champion
Civil Rights Act signed by Lyndon Johnson
CesarChavez and creation of United Farm Workers
Assination of Malcolm X
March on Selma
Rioots in WATTS
Founding Conference for Now
*First Super Bowl
TET Offensive
Massacre at My Lai
Assination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Assassination of Robert Kennedy
Nixon becomes President
Man on the moon
*Sesame Street premieres on National T.V.
First Earth Day observed
Kent State Protesters killed
*Email invented
ERA passes Congress as a proposed amendment
*Hacky Sac invented
Watergate Scandal
Title IX (sports) is passed
OPEC oil embargo
Roe vs. Wade passed
Wounded knee and FBI clash
*Disposable Lighter invented
Nixon resigns and Ford becomes President
Post-it note invented
*Walter Payton drafted
*Oakley company founded
Cell phone invented