A Thousand Splendid Suns

  • Mohammed Daud Seizes Power

    Mohammed Daud Seizes Power
    Mohammed Daud takes power from King Zahir Shah in a bloodless battle. He simply takes over while the Shah is away getting medical treatment. He declares a republic in Iran. In the beginning of the book, Miriam's dad brings her newspaper clippings and tells her of this event.
  • Mir Akbar Khyber Is Murdered

    Khyber was an Afghan intellectual and a leader of a fraction of The People's Democratic Party Of Afghanistan. In the book two days after he's killed there are demonstrations in Kabul. They beleived that Daud Khan's goverment was responsible for the murder.
  • General Daud is Killed

    General Daud is overthrown and then murdered in a Pro-Soviet event. The People's democratic party eventually comes to power but is ended by voilence and facing US backed groups.
  • Soviets Invade

    In December 1979 the Soviet Army invades and sets up a comunist goverment. In the book Miriam doesn't know what a comunist is and Rasheed riducles her for the little knowledge in her brain.
  • New Soviet Ruler

    In 1980 Barak Karmal is promoted to leader and is supported by Soviet Troops. The mujahideen (Afghan guerilla fighters) oppose and have support from the US, Pakistan, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They all supply money and arms. These events are progressing into an instense Civil War. (Excat date not known)
  • Mujahideen Form an Alliance

    They come together in Pakistan to form an alliance against Soviet Forces. Most of Afghanistan has now been displaced by the war and is fleeing to other countries, lots went to Iran and Pakistan. (exact date not known).
  • Period: to

    Civil War Rolls On

    The US supplies the mujahideen with stinger missles so that they can shoot down Soviet helicopters. Shortly after this a new Soviet leader arises: Najibullah. In 1988 the Soviets, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States all sign peace accords. The Soviets then begin to pull their troops out. A year later all the Soviet troops are gone but the civil war continues as the mujahideen still try and defeat Najibullah and remove him from power. In 1992 he is finally defeated. *dates not exact
  • Period: to

    Taliban Takes Over

    The Taliban take control of Afghanistan's capital city Kabul. They enforce a new strict version of Islam. Women aren't alowed to work. They also introcduced new Islamic punishments like amputation. In 1997 Pakistan and Saudi Arabia recognize the Tailiban as their offical leaders. Giving them control of slighty under two-thirds of the country. **dates not exact
  • World Trade Center Bombed

    The World Trade Center in New York City, New York is bombed by the terrorist group Al Queda. The mastermind Osama Bin Laden is suspected to be behind the tradgedy. By this point the US and UN have been searching for him for three years.
  • US forces start bombing Afghanistan

    The US starts to bomb Afganistan as retalian for the 9/11 attacks. They're also trying to get Afghanistan to give up Osama Bin Ladens location. Ant Taliban forces enter Kabul shortly after.
  • King Zahir Shah Returns

    King Zahir Shah Returns
    In 2002 the Shah returns but doesn't go for the throne. He seems to live a reletively normal life. He dies 5 years later in 2007 at age 92.
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns is Written

    Khaled Hosseini wrties A Thousand Speldid Suns on the events of the war. He tells the story through the eyes of two women. The story tells of heartbreak and families split up and torn apart by war.