a sudden silence

  • at 11:30 p.m. Bry gets killed

    At the hospital tells Jesse what has happened and what he had seen to the police. Officer Vale and officer McMeeken.
  • Jesse found a Shoe from bry next to the road

    Jesse went to the beach. saw Sowbug. He went back home and found the shoe. Jesse also got really mad at some guy in a windbreaker. His grandparents and aunt came too that day.
  • Bry's funeral was today at 12:00 noon

    Jesse saw the same guy as two days ago. At the funeral thay sang Bry's favorite song, Amazing grace how sweet the sound. Chloe suggest to make posters to hang and get more information about the accident. officer vale said they didn't have any news
  • Jesse and Chloe made posters

    Grandparent and aunt go back home. Alexander made a poster of the guy in the windbreaker. Afterwards they went for a walk on the beach. Sowbug said he hadn't seen anything from the accident. Then Jesse went over to Chloe to make posters and hang them up in different places.
  • Officer Vale suggest to re-enact the accident

    Vale comes by to say they still don't have any news. They re-enact the accident so Jesse will maybe remember something.
  • Miss Ernestine tells what she and Miss gabby saw on the 20th of June

    After re-anacting the accident Jesse went to do the laundry . Miss Ernistine and Miss Gabby were also doing their laundry. When Miss Gabby was outside tells Ernistine what they saw. It wasn't much but they did saw a dark colourd car wich was rounded on the back. Just like Jesse could remember.
  • Jesse found tire tracks that could match the one of the accident.

    Jesse went to te beach again and on his way home he came past the sport where the misses Ernestine and Gabby had seen the car. Jesse called officer Vale who sended someone from the lab to check.
  • Period: to

    a lot of people showed compassion these days

    not much happened these days. Officer Vale called to tell Jesse the tracks matched and Bry's headstone was ready on thursday. Jesse went to Costa Mesa to get leaflets of cars so he would maybe see a car he knows or remembers.
  • riot on the beach White sands, surfing competition finals

    Jesse went to the White sands for the surfing finals and to see of the guy in the windbreaker would be there. Jesse went sitting on the tribune and Debbie came sittng next to him. Jesse went out to check the beach and get some food. Suddenly there was a fight that got big really quick.
  • Chloe got wounded at the beach

    Jesse found Chloe despite the chaos. Chloe had been standing on a peace of glass. Jesse brought her to the hospital as soon as possible.
  • Jesse sees the car that killed Bry

    Jesse stays with Chloe for the night till her parents came back from their dinner party.(chloe en Jesse kissed that night). When Jesse sat down in his car to go back home another car came by and lit up the driveway, thats when Jesse saw the car. Dark-green, rounded on the back, medium sized and with two white round circles on the back. It was the car of Chloe's father
  • Jesse is looking for sowbug to get answers

    Jesse go's out to look for Sowbug, at first he can't find him on the beach and that's when he remembered Sowbug likes tunnels. Jesse takes Sowbug to his car. Sowbug eventually told Jesse what he had seen. And it turns out it was Chloe's mom who drove the car that night, not her dad.
  • Jesse has a confrontation with plum, the windbreaker boy

    While jesse is bringing Chloe back home he sees a restaurant with a sign he recognised. he parks the car with Chloe in it and checks the place out. He sees plum and go's after him. After a little chase jesse caughts him. Plum sais he doesn't remember except driving that road that night. Jesse asked for his car and Plum showed it. It wasn't even near what Jesse remembered from that night. Plum was innocent.
  • Jesse is telling Chloe what he found out about her mom

    The next day Jesse wants to talk to Chloe for an explanation. He tells her everything and Chloe tells Jesse that her mother has a drinking problem since forever. Chloe wants to tell her mother first before Jesse calls the police.
  • Mother got arrested

    Jesse and Debbie are dating and Jesse is working at taco bell. There will always be rumors about Chloe and everything that has happened.