A Sound of Thunder

  • Killing of a Butterfly

    When Eckles stepped on the butterfly, it lowered the population of future butterflies. This specific butterfly was not done mating.
  • Killing of Species

    Once the butterfly population lowered, it set off a chain reaction to slowly killing off other species such as frogs, snakes, owls, etc.
  • Cavemen Colaberate

    In the future, when the cave men couldn't find food, he tried to find a way to communicate with other cavemen to figure out a food supply plan.
  • The Civiliaztion of Cavemen

    When the cavemen figured out how to make a living, it became a civiliazation. They created a system of writing. They made new tools and inventions. This later affected spelling, the atmosphere, and the looks of things in the future.
  • Difference in Reasoning

    Later in life when modern civilization developed, people didn't think the same way they would have if there had been no change in history. Their Presidential Election had a new reasoning on who people voted for. Duetscher and Keith didn't become the people they normally would have been.
  • Deutscher became President

    Instead of Keith becoming The President of The United States, Duetscher was elected. People thought it would have been silly to vote for Keith, which is the total opposite of what life was like before.