Lieutenant James Cook claims the East coast for Australia
First Settlement which is today Sydney
Period: to
of exploration, frontier war, and new settlements being built.
Raising of the brittish falg at sydney cove
Period: to
Aboriginal Population dropped from 315000 to 93000
George Bass explored the south Coast of Australia
The 1800s was a period of railway bulding
Derwent river settelment and pot phillip settelment
Port Phillip settelements moved to the Derwent river settelment
Bathurst was establlished as a city
Morton bay convict colony was established
Port Essington and Melville Island settelment
Captian James Stirling Spent 2 weekes looking at swan river
Period: to
Port Aurthure was a convict settelment
First Australia Act was passed by the brittish parliament
Mortyon bay convict colony was opend up to free setterlers after it shut down
Large group of Germans arived
28 men and women were murdered by 12 stockman.
18 Afgans were bought out
Period: to
was the Great Australian Gold Rush, the colonies experienced huge growth and immigration
Black Thursday Bushfires
The Eureka Rebellion was an armed conflict which is attributed to as the birth of democracy in Australia
Two houses of parliament wer discoverd
Van Diemens land was changed to Tasmania
Reservoir built at the Yan Yean
queensland was sepparated from NSW
Period: to
the 'heyday' of the Bushrangers. It is believed that at their peak over 2000 bushrangers roamed the continent.
Period: to
Working conditions were improved for the workers
Australias first mosque was built
Brisbanes first dam was built
100 camels and 31 cameleers were bought out
All Australian Capitals were linked by telegraph
DIfferent groups such as the "Australian Natives association" were set up
Telegraph line was complete from adelaide to darwin
The first recorded japenese diver arrived in torres strait
1880's Melbourn was one of the ichest cities in the worl
In late 1880's department stores were developed
sewage farms were first introduced
Defence was raised
A sence of nationalism was established and posed in the bulletin
Federation council was set up
Even more camles and cameleers were bought in (300 camels and 36 cameleers)
cabel tram system began in melbourne
Second attempt to set up the federation council
Period: to
Queensland is in civil war between the armed unions against government forces. Large skirmishes, attacks on wool sheds, and naval battles take place across the colony.
Serious economic depression
Queenslanders formed the first Labor government in the world
Women were granted suffrage "The right to vote"
Period: to
Massive drout
The more wealthy football clubs formed the VFL
First house was connected to the sewerage system
Japenese outnumber population
Period: to
Australia fights in the Boer War
Act put the removal of part-aboriginal children in the hands of the miniter, with no rights to appeal to court
75% of population had been born in Australia
In the 1900s there was an extention of education
Queen victoria Signed the COmmonwealth of Australia constitution Act
The new nation offically began on 1st of January 1901 -
Federation of Australia is the beginning of the Australian nation.
Conditions for workers started to improve and the wrost ecconomic depression was over
The councilation and Arbitration Court was established
Aim was to settel dissagrements between employers and trade unions. -
The child protection act was put into place to make it much esier to remove aboriginal children from their parents
Workers Compensation Act was put into place
Period: to
Australia fights in WW1 - Major battles include Gallipoli, Beersheba
ABoriginies got the right to vote
Canberra was chosen as capital and Parliament house was opened
the labor party won the election
Bombing of Darwin