A short history of europe

A Short History of Europe

  • 400

    Early Middle Ages

    Early Middle Ages
    Led to the decline of the Roman Empire causeing an invasion of Barbarians throughout Europe
  • Period: 400 to Sep 23, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 23, 1300

    Later Middle Ages

    Later Middle Ages
    The Upper Class became more wealthy, and the 'Bubonic Plague' began to spread throughout Europe, killing about 25-50% of the population.
  • Period: Sep 23, 1300 to

    The Renaissance

  • Oct 6, 1300

    The rebirth of Europe

    The rebirth of Europe
    People began to focus on scientific ways, rather than on Church values. This lead to art, scientific discoveries, expresions in clothing, and growth in cities.
  • Sep 23, 1500

    Divine Right

    Divine Right
    Rule had been granted by God. There is a balance in power to help stop war.
  • Sep 23, 1500

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    Held a lot of power and influence. They owned a lot of the land, and didn't have to pay taxes.
  • Period: Sep 23, 1500 to


  • Period: Sep 23, 1500 to Sep 23, 1564

    The Reformation

  • Sep 23, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Highly educated peasant that wanted to become a Preist. He began to critisize the Church, and questioned the relgious authority of the Catholic System. Questioned faith vs. Good Works.
  • Sep 23, 1552

    Gradual Centralization

    Gradual Centralization
    All taxes were given to the King, causing the King to have a large bureaucracy. Nobles and princes had some power of small states, but they were mainly a representative of monarchy. National Economic Plannning began, and professional armies were created.
  • Sep 23, 1555

    Religious War

    Religious War
    wars began throughout much of Europe, especially in Germany. The Peace of Augsburg ended them, and required each state to choose their religion. Caused the Rise of Capitalism, a massive increase in public education, and the beginging of Nation-States.
  • Sep 23, 1564

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    He believed in predestination and contributed to the rise of capitalism. He wanted the state to be loyal to religion.
  • Loius XIV of France

    Loius XIV of France
    Believed people lived to serve hime, and declared 'I am the State'
  • High Middle Ages

    High Middle Ages
    Chistianity became dominant. Crusaders began to fight to gain the 'Holy Land' from Muslums. Europe began to Stabilize.