A Series of Unfortunate Events

  • CBIS Does Not Reissue License

    Teachers were not aware of this.
  • CBIS Helps Teachers Apply for E2 Visa

    CBIS collects documents from teachers to process E2 Visas.
    Immigration receives contracts and still processes E2 Visas.
  • Claudio is Hired

  • Lowell Jackie Arrives as New Principal

    First principal for CBIS since beginning of 2016/2017 school year
  • Claudio is Fired

    After numerous issues with staff and parents, Claudio is let go.
  • April and Jess Get Detained at the Airport

    Coming back to Seoul from Spring Break, 2 teachers are detained at airport and not given a reason why. They were both ensured by CBIS that everything was okay.
  • Surprise Inspection

    Doug Lawson inspects CBIS (with a focus on admin) for 3 days.
  • Lowell and Kristen are Detained

    Immigration officers arrive at CBIS and take them to the Immigration Office where they are detained and questioned for hours.
  • Teachers Report to Immigration Office

    Teachers are told that they must go to the Immigration Office.
    They are forced to respond to written questions, finger print their contracts and sign a document acknowledging that we have the wrong visa and must leave the country within 30 days.
  • Meeting with Immigration Lawyer

    Teachers were offered 3 options: sue immigration, leave the country and return on a tourist visa or just leave.
  • Meeting with Canadian Embassy

    They could not help us unless our human rights were in danger.
  • Meeting with Lowell

    Lowell becomes BC Offshore Rep. Clear that we knew more than him.
  • Skype Call with MoE

    Ministry of Education claims that they cannot help us.
  • Meeting with Seoul Global Centre

    We receive more information about our departure order status and things that we can and cannot do.
  • Teachers Retrieve Items from CBIS

  • Staff Debrief

    Discussed lawyer options.
  • The Awkward Dinner

    Simon, Emily, Faustus and Alexandra have dinner with Lowell and Terri-Ann. First mention of Mr. Sun.
  • Meeting with Mr. Sun.

    Mr. Sun proposes a visa run and to teach under his company, BCACE.
  • Meeting with Mr. Kim

    Teachers asked clarifying questions to Mr. Kim. First time owners have met with teachers since Immigration.
  • Meeting with Lawyer (Mr. Cha)

    Mr. Cha explained that our case was too high-profile for the options he offered to us last time. Told us that our only option was to find other schools affected and create petitions.
  • Teachers Vote on Mr. Sun's Option

  • Debrief and Planning

  • Debrief and Planning

  • Meeting with Mr. Kim

    Mr. Kim claims that the only option for teachers is to go with Mr. Sun's plan. Reveals that he does not trust Mr. Sun.
  • Discovery that CBIS is Hiring Other Instructors

    CBIS created a job post for new instructors to start work immediately.
  • Simon and Kristen Meet with Lowell

    Terri-Ann left. Lowell wants us to go with Mr. Sun's plan.
  • Meeting with Labour Lawyer