A Sacred Country

  • 1606

    Luis Váez de Torres (Spanish) lands on the Islands and Strait that still bear his name
  • 1616

    Dirk Hartog (Dutch) lands on the west coast of Australia and leaves an engraved pewter plat
  • 1618

    VOC ship Mauritius under command of Supercargo Willem Janszoon, landed near North West Cape, near the modern town of Exmouth, and named Willem's River, later renamed Ashburton River.
  • 1622

    The English ship Tryall sighted Point Cloates on the west coast of Australia.
  • 1622

    The Tryall was wrecked on Tryal Rocks, northwest of the Montebello Islands, crew spent seven days ashore before sailing a longboat to Bantam in Java – this was the first recorded shipwreck in Australian waters and first extended stay in Australia by Europeans.[5]
  • 1623

    Dutch captain Jan Carstensz navigated the Gulf of Carpentaria aboard the Pera and Arnhem. The Arnhem crossed the Gulf to reach and name Groote Eylandt.
  • 1629

    VOC ship Batavia wrecked on Houtman Abrolhos, off Geraldton. Mutiny ensued and at least 110 men, women and children were murdered. First European structure in Australia – Wiebbe Hayes Stone Fort on West Wallabi Island.
  • 1642-1644

    Abel Tasman (Dutch) names Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania), claiming it as part of Nieuw Holland (New Holland
  • 1656

    In 1656 the Vergulde Draeck struck a submerged coral reef midway between what are now the coastal towns of Seabird and Ledge Point, Western Australia
  • 1681

    English navigator John Daniel on the New London charted the west coast of Australia, including Rottnest Island and the Wallabi Group of the Houtman Abrolhos.
  • 1688

    English explorer William Dampier explored the west coast of Australia (camps at Karrakatta Bay near Broome)
  • 1696

    Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh charted the southwestern coast of Australia, making a landfall at Rottnest Island and the site of the present-day city of Perth.
  • 1699

    William Dampier (British) lands where Hartog did, renaming it Shark Bay
  • 1770-1771

    James Cook (British) lands at Botany Bay. Cook incorrectly declares Australia as terra nullius
  • 1787

    The First Fleet of 11 ships, led by Governor Arthur Phillip, departed from Great Britain for Australia to begin European colonisation
  • 1788

    Captain Arthur Phillip of the (First Fleet), having decided to sail ahead of the rest of the fleet to prepare for the new settlement, sighted the coast of Van Diemen's Land
  • 1790

    5 of 6 ships of the beleaguered Second Fleet arrived. The colony was gripped by a food crisis.
  • 1791

    The first ship of the Third Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove.
  • 1797

    Sydney Cove was wrecked and some survivors travelled from Bass Strait to Port Jackson, enabling the rescue of others. This also furthered knowledge of the geography of Australia.
  • 1851

    Gold is discovered in New South Wales
  • 1851

    Victoria becomes a separate colony to New South Wales.
  • 1854

    Battle of the Eureka Stockade, Ballarat
  • 1895

    All people in South Australia, including the first nations people, have the right to vote
  • 1901

    Six colonies federated into the commonwealth of Australia
  • 1901

    Most women in Australia can vote