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A Rose For Emily

  • Emily's father helps out The Town of Jefferson

    Emily's father helps out the town of Jefferson, and all of his taxes are dismissed.
  • Emily never marries

    Due to emily's higher class mentality,she never gets married.
  • Emily's father passes away.

    Emily's father dies, and she denies it for three days. Emily is age 30 when her father dies.
  • A construction crew comes to help Jefferson.

    Thanks to money left by Emily's father, a construction crew comes down to work on roads in Jefferson. The construction crew's foreman is named Homer Barron
  • Homer Barron stays in Jefferson

    Homer Barron stays in the town of Jefferson, and becomes a well respected member of the community. He and Emily meet and go on a few dates.
  • Emily is seen buying several things

    Emily is seen buying things such as men's clothing, a silver toilet set with "H.B." monogrammed on it, as well as arsenic.
  • Homer and emily disappear for a while

    Homer and Emily disappear for some time, and are presumed to be married.
  • A strange smell appears near Emily's house

    A strange smell appears around Emily's house, and a group of people go to put lyme out around her house. The smell dissapates after a few weeks
  • Emily dies

    Emily dies in her sleep in her sixties, in her house, they find several things, and only have one room left to explore...
  • They explore the final room.

    The final room is explored, and inside they find a skeleton, still dressed, it is the body of Homer Barron, and next to the body they find fresh strands of Emily's hair.