A Road Through Canadian History - 1861 to 1891

  • Charlottetown Conference

    At the Charlottetown Conference I and some fellow politicians from the United Province of Canada and the other colonies got some very important "business" completed.
  • Quebec Conference

    Finally the conference at Quebec was over. I am now to submit the Seventy-Two Resolutions and persuade the english speaking population of The United Province of Canada to accept the resolutions. The top seven of the seventy two resolutions are written below.
  • Trade with the US is AT RISK

    The US informed us that they would be ending free trade. It is now more important that we have a tax free market in not only here but in the other colonies as well. I hope a solution is found.
  • The London Conference

    The London Conference
    Finally back from London. We have a good chance at making British North America a country. Also, NB wanted to change the Resolutions to benefit THEM! NB also wanted to have an inter-colonial railway built. I personally thought this was a good idea. The modified list was then named the British North America Act, 1867 and submitted to the officials for review.
  • Announcement from the her majesty Queen of England

    Today there was an announcement from her majesty that a dominion would be created to unite the Canada, Quebec and the colonies of PEI, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
  • Confederation Day

    Confederation Day
    Today is the first day of the United Province of Canada. It is a joyous day because now the colonies of Canada, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia come together to form a new country in North America.
  • Federalism

    The British North America act laid out that there would be two levels of government, federal and provincial. I believe that provincial government is unnecessary and a waste of time. I believe that we should adhere to one level of government and create and evolve as a country from there.
  • Annexation

    I have been recently informed that America is wanting to take over BC and Ruperts Land. Here we go again! I thought we went through this already. We will not let this happen!
  • Another cold winter coming to an end

    Finally. Spring is almost here. Another winter over and another spring on the way.
  • The Metis List of Rights

    The Metis List of Rights
    Metis Bill of Rights - Manitoba Education The Metis Bill of Rights was enstated today. The Bill laid out all the rights of the Metis living in the Red River Settlement
  • The Manitoba Act

    The Red River Settlement Area became a province today with the passing of the Manitoba Act. Many points from the Metis Bill of Rights were written into the act. Now the people of that province can vote and that the federal government would pay for all of Manitoba's governing expenses for the first 4 years.
  • The Treaty of Washington

    The Treaty of Washington
    Today I leave my family and head for Washington on important business of sorting out issues between Canada/Britain and America.
  • Washington Treaty, the details

    Today was the final day of the meetings in Washington. The Americans and the Canadians/British agreed to,
    allow American ships to travel the St. Lawrence River;
    allow Canadian fish to enter American markets without them having to pay duty.
    allow American fish boats to in the Canadian Atlantic fisheries for 10 years after we have been compensated.
    that the Americans would pay 15.5 million dollars for damage caused by the Civil War
  • British Columbia joins Confederation - Part 2 of 2

    ...population reaches 400,000 and that they would control their crown lands same as in the original 4 provinces. I believe that British Columbia is a great addition to the Dominion of Canada.
  • British Columbia joins Confederation - Part 1 of 2

    Library and Archives Canada, BC Joins confederation The BC Act takes effect today. I have been waiting for this day for a while. I am happy to see the dominion expanded into the west coast. The Government has promised BC that they would have a railway joining it to Canada, that their 1 million dollar debt would be paid and a provincial subsidy of $35,000 and that a yearly payment of 80 cents until their...
  • the Dominion Lands Act, 1872

    The Dominion Lands Act came into effect today. The Act will be used to bring people to the praries and settle. Each settler gets large area of land in which to build a residence and farm the land. This Act will also bring in funds as each settler must pay a $10 fee to settle. This Act will also prevent the Americans from annexing this area and taking over which would ruin the Dominion.
  • Trade Union Movement -- Industrialization

    Factory workers are deciding that joining together and becoming unions would increase the control they had over their employers. Unions can help workers gain rights to work decent hours.
  • Period: to

    Worldwide Recession

    Canada and the United States, not only but the world is in recession.
    See Points Titled:
    Published Cartoon -- Recession (Date: 25 December 1875)
    Production Suffering -- Recession (Date: 16 November 1874)
  • Prince Edward Island Act, 1873

    Not only is it 6th year of Canada being a country, but Prince Edward Island becomes a province today with the passing of the Prince Edward Island Act. The Act laid out that PEI would get an 80,000 loan which would be used to buy up lands from absent landlords. Also the government would also pay the railway debts and provide a $50 grant to all persons living on the island.
  • The Pacific Scandal PART A

    The Government of Canada had promised to build a railway all the way to British Columbia. The contract for it had been awarded to the Canadian Pacific Company to Sir Hugh Allan. There was a raid on his lawyer's office and a telegram was found stating that I asked 10,000 dollars of him. Also the Government had received $350,000 from him so I could bribe them to elect me Prime Minister again. Then after this became public knowledge there was a large rage against my government and my party is...
  • The Pacific Scandal PART B

    ...being removed from office. The Alexander Mackenzie and the Liberals are taking over.
  • Production Suffering -- Recession

    Due to the recession, manufacturers have been selling products at low prices to lower inventories. This recession is hitting hard
  • Published Cartoon -- Recession

    There is currently a recession happening worldwide. A cartoon from Candian Illustrated News shows that only the rich can afford to celebrate with feast and cheerfullness