Action plan

  • People that can be successfully intergraded

    People that can be successfully intergraded
    Kozani can successfully intergrade 2000 people in empty sport centers or even abandoned houses.
  • Kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed

    Kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed
    Refugees when they arrive in a new place often start businesses such as services, retail, technolgy or construction. This way, they ensure their survival and smooth intergration to the country.
  • the way school can help

    the way school can help
    First and foremost, school must provide equal rights and opportunities to all students. Moreover, school events should be organized such as charities,bazaars or any other fund-raising event.
  • Potential benefits for local communitie

    Potential benefits for local communitie
    In case refugees are educated and absorbed by local communite some potential benefits will be arised.
    - Increased demand and growth by refugees spent their wages in the local markets.
    -Filling undesirable job vacancies that native - born workers aren't intrested due to the prestige attached.