Area of land found by Spain
Spain begins to explore land
Spain finds tobacco on land
Military control and in charge, uses slaves and farmers to harvest tobacco -
Drought on Land
Causes economic crisis in Spain and drops out of world trade -
Spain sells land to Russia
Economic Crisis in Spain, needed to get out of debt. 12 million -
Russia begins to explore land
Framers and slaves were still on Land, created own religion and government: The Demo-Republic. -
Enters trade w/ Dutch, Russian, and British countries
Russia Re-opens trade Route
Only trades w/ Dutch, British, and African Countries -
Spain tries to enter trade w/ Russia
Russia denies to trade with them and Spain gets angry with Russia -
Spain Declares war on Russia
Spain sinks trading ship w/ tobacco product on it -
Beginning of Tobacco War
End of Tobacco War
Spain Signs XYZ Treaty
Never allowed to trade with Russia -
Russia begins Military Dicatorship on land
Tells them to remove demo-republic but instead they make that a secret society -
Russia adds higher taxes and more military
Overthrows Military Dicatorship
Citizens on land fed up w/ taxes, dictatorship and military demands Russia remove dictatorship and use Demo-Republic -
Russia denies request
Rebel forces declare war on Russia -
Revolution Ends
Russia Loses and signs HIJ treaty that signs away land to rebels -
Robert's Laws added to vote
Demo-Republic put in place
News Laws added
Slavery ends,
trade contracts w/ Spanish, British, and African Countries,
And First president put in place -
Enters trade routes again
Spain offers to buy land
Did not sell land and Spain Invades
War ends, Spain Surrenders
Signs another treaty to not start any more wars but can continue trade -
Second president in office
More laws put in place
Added Russia to trading route,
and limits president into 2 terms -
New Government Party-Most current
Democrats and Republicans -
Bill of Rights Introduced