March on washington

A Philip Randolph - March on Washington

  • Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

    Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
    Randolph creates Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters with hopes that the union will be included in the American Federation of Labor.
  • Letter to the President

    Letter to the President
    Randolph sends a letter to John F. Kennedy to discuss the worsening problem in regards to black labor.
  • Greenwood, Mississippi Incidents

    Greenwood, Mississippi Incidents
    Several civil rights workers are attacked in Greenwood, Mississippi as workers arrive for voter registration.
  • Telegram to the President

    Telegram to the President
    Randolph sends a telegram to John F. Kennedy urging for federal protection of civil rights workers in Greenwood, Mississippi.
  • March on Washington is Announced

    March on Washington is Announced
    The leaders of the March on Washington announce plans for the event.
  • Letter to the President

    Letter to the President
    Randolph requests an appointment to discuss details about the March on Washington protest.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom takes place starting at the Washington Monument and ending at the Lincoln Memorial. About 250,000 people show up for the march.
  • Speeches

    Several leaders of the March on Washington give speeches. Some of the speakers include: A. Philip Randolph, Eugene Carson Blake, John Lewis, Walter Reuther, James Farmer, Whitney M. Young, Jr., Mathew Ahmann, Roy Wilkens, Joachim Prinz, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Meeting with the President

    Meeting with the President
    The March on Washington leaders meet with John F. Kennedy after the event.
  • Randolph Gives Opening and Closing Remarks

    Randolph Gives Opening and Closing Remarks
    Randolph, the director and founder of the March on Washington gives the opening remark, introduces each presenter, and gives a concluding statement during the event.