Period: to
A New Outlook on the Workplace
Sam -
Merchendizing of clothing
At this time merchendizing clothing had spread widly through America -
Artists hand crafted their work until the 1820's. -
Lowell's idestry grows
By 1830 Lowell had 8 factorys and over 6000 workers pg. 260 -
Wage cut
in 1839 Lowell's mill anounced wage cuts. -
After the wage cut the wokers went on strike but faild. -
The mill girls took it to the courthouse. -
between 1830 and 1860 there were many europian imigrents. -
Dawn of a new era
http://www.socialwelfarehistory.com/eras/progressive-era/ between 1880's and 1890's the woman work force went from 2.6 to 8.6 mil.