Wilimot Proviso
A proposal to ban slavery in the land that was acquired during the Mexican-American War. It was unsuccessful. -
Compromise of 1850
It was five bills passed that settled arguments between slave and free states over territory. -
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published
It was an antislavery novel that described how bad slavery was. -
Kansas - Nebraska Act
May 30, 1854; A law passed that said that people in Kansas and Nebraska could choose if they wanted to have slavery or not. -
John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek
John Brown led a few friends and family members to a creek to murder five men that were proslavery. -
Dred Scott Decision
A decision made in the Dred Scott case that stated that slave owners could bring their slaves into Western territory. -
Lincoln - Douglas Debate
Debates against Abraham Lincoln and Steven A. Douglas to be the United States Senate for Illinois -
John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
John Brown initiated a conflict that led to a fight in Virginia. He wanted to abolish slavery. -
Abraham Lincoln is elected as a Republican President
Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican elected and he was in support of the abolitionists. -
South Carolina Secedes from the Union
South Carolina decided to succeed from the union. Although the president said it was illegal he did not try to stop it. -
Confederate States of America are formed
The dominant slaves in the south created their own government with their president being Jefferson Davis. -
Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
Confederate guns fired at Fort Sumter and the people there had to evacuate.