The Missouri Compromise
California Couldn't Decide Whether Or Not They Were Going To Be A Free State Or A Slave State.
Many people were going to move to California and the people moving to California were deciding if it was going to be a free state or a slave state. -
The Fugitive Slave Act
The United Sates made it a federal crime to assist run away slaves and to allow them to be arested is areas where slavery is illegal. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
It changed the way slavery opperated because it made the southerner's mad. It changed people's thoughts on slavery. -
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was to try to put the situation of slavery to rest. -
The Republican Party
The Rebublican Party was the new political party to help spread slavery to the west. -
Dred Scott Decision
That african americans have no rights and which a white man is bound respect. -
John Brown Raided Harper's Ferry
John Brown raided Harper's Ferry because he was helping slaves escape to freedom. -
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party split into 2 groups because they couldn't agree on a canadate. -
The New Nation
A new nation was started and it was the Constitutional Union Party of the south. The first capitol was located at Baltimoore, Maryland. Their first president was Jefferson Davis. -
Election Of 1860
Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1860.