Midsummer nights dream intro

A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Fleeing To The Woods

    Fleeing To The Woods
    The lovers Lysander and Hermia flee to the wilderness together to escape the arranged marriage of Hermia and Demetrius.
  • An Order

    An Order
    Oberon (the fairy kind) orders his servant Puck to spice love juice onto his wife Titania (the fair queen) so she will fall in love with an embarrassing creature, and the boy Demetrius so he will fall in love with Helena (being asked to by his mistress Hippolyta).
  • Turning Into An Ass?!?

    Turning Into An Ass?!?
    Puck turns Bottom's head into that of an ass.
  • Love Juice Part 1

    Love Juice Part 1
    Titania is spiked with love juice and falls in love with Bottom.
  • Love Juice Part 2

    Love Juice Part 2
    Puck places love juice on Lysander's eyes by mistake instead of on Demetrius.
  • Falling in Love?!?

    Falling in Love?!?
    Lysander also falls in love with Helena to Hermia’s & Helena’s dismay.
  • Oh No!

    Oh No!
    Puck tries to correct this by doing the same love spell on Demetrius, but now both boys are in love with Helena and are fighting for her love, all while Hermia is angry at the betrayal of her boyfriend and best friend (Helena).
  • Secrets Are Revealed

    Secrets Are Revealed
    Oberon finds out of this mishap on the humans and is angry at Puck.
  • Spells Are No More

    Spells Are No More
    All spells are broken, including the spell on Titania.
  • The Embarrassment!

    The Embarrassment!
    Being embarrassed of the situation and “love” of Bottom, Titania returns back to Oberon.
  • Home We Go

    Home We Go
    The fighting is now over, and so the 2 couples (lovers) return back to the court together.
  • Given Permission For Love

    Given Permission For Love
    The two reunited couples (Demetrius/Helena & Hermia/Lysander) are given permission to stay together and the wedding of Hermia and Demetrius is called off.
  • A Wedding!

    A Wedding!
    Thesus and Hippolyta's wedding happens.