The travel to Mattru Jong
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-1-event-1 -
The rebels attack Mattru Jong
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-3-event-2 -
The return for food
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-4 -
The boys get captured by the rebels
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-5 -
Adapting to Kamator
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-6 -
Burning down the faith
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-7 -
A lonely journey, the forest
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date has to be ignored, as the program for this timeline demanded am exact date. The month and year are the only ones that matter.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-8-event-3 -
Mistaken again
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date has to be ignored, as the program for this timeline demanded am exact date. The month and year are the only ones that matter.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-9-event-4 -
Saidu’s death
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.
https://juanma20202000.wixsite.com/alongwaygonetimeline/chapter-10-event-5 -
The nightmare
Before going to the link, is crucial to understand that the day of the date shouldn`t be taken into account, as the program for this timeline demanded an exact date. The month and year are doomed to be considered.