A long walk to water chapter 1
Salva lives a 30 minute walk from her house to the school and during class-time the Rebels came and started shooting a lot, she went to hide in a bush. -
A long walk to water chapter 2
Salva lives in Loun-Ariik. The rebels told Salva to go with a group of women and they walked for a long time. She witnessed bad things and once the group went to get some sleep time in a barn. The group of adults left Salva alone. -
A long walk to water chapter 3
Salva questions why the people left him but knew the answer. But there was a lady that took care a little for him, and Salva worked hard so she wouldn't send him to the streets, 4 days with her the lady said that she was leaving because the pond water was drying up and she went to go to a village with water near it. Then Salva found people that were from the dinka tribe. -
A long walk to water chapter 4
Salva joined the group, Salva found a friend Marial and they were good buds, but they were very hungry, and Marial was smart and found honey. -
A long walk to water chapter 5
Salva and the group eat honey and go walking again, the group walks for hours and he eats and sleeps. -
A long walk to water chapter 6
Salva found his Uncle Jewirr. Salva still hasn't found his family, Salva and some people of the group keep vomiting due to near starvation. Marial dies. -
A long walk to water chapter 7
Salva and the group build canoes to cross a big river to get to the other side, It took hours to build it and the were in fear. -
A long walk to water chapter 8
Salva and the group eat lots of food, Then millions of mosquitoes swarmed in and bit every person except the fisherman, Salva and the group had no sleep at all. -
A long walk to water chapter 9
Salva's lips were cracked and his toe nail was ripped off his toe. Also, He started walking when a woman told Salva to not save the men that collapsed, -
A long walk to water chapter 10
Salva was kinda happy that his Uncle was beside him, then when a group of the Nuer Tribe raided Salva's group and the people tied Salva's uncle and shot and killed him. -
A long walk to water chapter 11
Salva's uncle dies and they buried uncle in a hole. Salva was getting stronger, the group didn't help Salva with anything giving him food and he didn't feel protected. Salva went to a refugee camp because the camp was very helpful, he didn't recognize anyone there. -
A long walk to water chapter 12
Salva called for his mother but it actually wasn't his mother. When Salva was going to school, Soldiers told them to leave the camp. The soldiers fired their guns and people ran to the river, there was crocodiles. -
A long walk to water chapter 13
Salva's problems were not trying to drown, getting shot at, and crocodiles were there ready to eat, Then him and a group of boys walk together and almost die from dehydration or starvation. -
A long walk to water chapter 14
Salva is 22 years old, he had been living in refugee camps. Kakuma had been a dreadful place, he learned life in America -
A long walk to water chapter 15
Salva has food to eat and tries to learn a new language and one day his name gets put on the board and he is going to AMERICA! -
A long walk to water chapter 16
Salva talks to his cousin about his dad and he finds out that his dad is in like a hospital and that Salva is going to Sudan again -
A long walk to water chapter 17
Salva is in Sudan and his dad is ok, dn Salva's mom is in the village fine, they thought Salva died but they had hope. -
A long walk to water chapter 18
Saslva and Nya meet, Salva is a worker at Nya's village. Salva's Father is fine and well, Nya was shy but is Finally meets a dinka tribe.