she finds himself with another guy and he had a gun but just to make him scared and to make him look up at him for a better look and what he looks like. another thing was that there was many repetition and the phrase was "where is my family" and he kept doubting that he was not going to see his family again. he was yet very scared. there was a lot of smoke and fire he could not see. -
chapter 3 salva
Salva heard people approaching his shelter that he was invited to stay until he found his family and he says they were part of the dinka tribe and he thinks that his family might be there because he is dinka. he starts calling the person he is with auntie and she asks him couple questions. its been a day until he had a meal. -
Nya chapter 5
nyas family moved every year. they didnt live there all year long. people were killed. thery only lived five months in the dry season. nya jobs was the same as at home get water. she waited hours for water. -
Salva chapter 7
Marial was gone.the suspected that it was a lion at night. Salva was worried and his uncle comforted him by saying hell take care of him. salva hoped the the lion had killed marial instantly so he wouldn't feel pain. the would go the the nile river.he said it looked like a river.he knew that Marial was right about the Nile.it would take a day to reach the islands in the middle of the lake. people lived around the lake they were worried for war it could bearound. canoes were built and successful. -
Salva chapter 9
aroud his village was loun-ariik had a lot of space for cattle. there were even trees. salvas dad said it would take 3 days to get to akobo. his shoes/feet would not make it in the desert. he became barefoot instantly. his toenail came off. the pain was terrible. salvas full name is salva mawien dut ariik loud and clear when his uncle kept bringing up his full name he could keep the wound "ok" but it also reminded him about his family. a lady tried saving a man but was wasting their own water. -
Salva chapter 10
the women only saved a man that walked with them but his other five friends were left behind. and they said burring them would take to much time. no one in the group had eaten. well they haven't in the past two days."three shots rang out, and the men ran away." salvas uncle had died from the nuer men.they had killed hime looted everyone including clothes and they interrupted their dinner. -
southern Sudan salva
salva goes to school in her village and a war begins in the middle of a class session. she might never see her family or his siblings ever again because his teacher told him its not safe to go anywhere but the bush. Salva worries. -
Salva chapter 4
he saw the people that were in his dinka tribe but it was not his mom or family members. all the people said was that they will slow him down.another mouth to feed they said he would be no help. he knew they would leave him behind. but one stood up and said we will take him with us.people didn't want them on board they said they were part of there tribe. they gave him shelter. there was many repetition. the climate only got worse. he felt like nothing was real except his hunger but didn't annoy -
salva chapter 6
salva found his uncle jewiir. he was the youngest brother. he haven't seen him in years. salva thought he knew were his family was. but he didn't. but salva finally was not alone.when he left the army he kept his riffle. they ate antelope called topi. it was delicious but he was not used to eating so much and vomited the whole night. they took a nap and marial was gone the next morning that salva woke up to his uncles's hand on his shoulder trying to wake him up. the uncle could only say sorry. -
Salva Chapter 8
when they reached the surface they could only see water. he kept himself awake by counting how many times uncle stroked his paddle. they stopped where the fisherman of the Nile worked. there were a lot of food. of course lots of fish. it seemed that salva was never hungry at home. there were many mosquitoes. no one got any sleep ahead lay the most difficult part of their journey the akobo desert. -
salva chapter 15
he was worried for his new family. he didn't know how things worked and he is confused. coca cola reminded him of his family. he gets worried for his new family in waiting. a lot of new clothes was dropped of at the refuge. salva shows perseverance when he learned English or when he traveled. -
Salva chapter 16
more snow kept falling. in April snow will stop. his new family were really kind. he was in new York.his English improved and he joined a volleyball team. his life was a success and he had many questions that would not be answered. they said they found his father. in a hospital. he had a college and he was very successful man salvas cousin had seen his fathers name and called right away. he rode many planes and cars to get to his fathers place. his fathers name was mawien dut arriik -
she was no shoes and takes breaks when she walks for water.
she got hurt from a thorn and pressed her lips together against the pain. she had to use another thorn to get it out. -
Nya chapter 3
Nya goes to get water and she reaches the lake but the water is brown and surrounded by women and girl (usually). she still suffers from the pain or her ancle. -
Nya chapter 4
i found out that nya has a little brother and and a sister his name is akeer and he was five years old. was to small and walk really slow. she has to take two trips a day but this time, she had to do it with her brother. going to the pond and back pond and back all day every day. daily, for seven months. -
Salva chapter 5
they used a fire to cure there bee stings. the bees got mad and got stung. they ate honey. and everyone was satisfied. one dinka man got stung on the tongue. the walk seemed easier because his belly was full. more people joined there group and salva surveyed them for his family. the bot and his were relatable and become a new friend plus character. (marial) he knew they were were going east. Ethiopia. nights became uneasy. at the end someone calls his name and might be one of his family member. -
Nya chapter 9
people came out of the jeep from the hill and they came out and it was nyas brother dep. this chapter really had nothing. -
Nya chapter 11
the two men had left with a very hard task;clearing more of the land between the trees. it was also a dangerous task. even though they were going to fix the long walks to water nya still had to do them daily for the time being. there was many doubt in everyone's eyes. -
chapter 1 Nya
Nya is an 11 year old girl. She was walking somewhere and it was hot -
Nya chapter 6
Nya and her family had come to family camp generations. she's been there since she was born.she liked that she made short trips. but her mother hated the camp.they had no house and slept in makeshift shelters.they could not bring a lot of things to camp.her brother dep went hunting.and dad was mad. they were afraid that he'd run into a dinka tribesmen and get hurt. luckily there family never got hurt by one. in the morning her question was would they be lucky or was it our turn in the family. -
Nya chapter 7
Nyas sister Akeer was weak because she had a lot of craps and pain in her stomach. Nya felt guilty because she was annoyed for all of the crying.But she was also worried because she knew about the disease but luckily she knew a clinic but didn't know if she could make the trip. -
Nya chapter 8
Nyas father decided that Akeer needed a doctor. so they took akeer to the special place a big white tent filled with people who were sick or hurt.She took doses of medicine and they said she was nearly back to her old self.the doctor was talking to her mom and said that the sickness came from the water and that she should boil it before drink use and her mom was worried because nya could only bring such little amount of water on her head that the pan idea wouldnt work. Akeer kept going with Nya. -
Nya chpter 10
they kept talking to nyas uncle. they examined the trees? they found a spot were the water could be. something I thought was a possibility is that the were there looking for a smaller path for water REALLY close to her village. were people gathered and sang at nights. -
nya chapter 15
Nya got her hopes up but she still haven't got the water well and she still makes long morning walks. -
Nya chapter 16
she got to see a spray of water. nyas father is clearing the land to build something.